Sunday, 22 August 2010

Urswick Holiday Club

We have had a fantastic time this week doing the Holiday Club 'Seaside Rock' at Low Furness School with the people from Urswick Church. I would be on very safe ground - one could say rock solid ground (wise and foolish builders one of this weeks stories) when I say that everyone from the youngest child to the oldest helper has thoroughly enjoyed themselves. It is great to be involved with God's work in this way. The children have enjoyed singing songs learning new ones, doing craft, playing games, listening to 'Peter' as he told us about Jesus and some of the things he got upto with Jesus. This week seeds have been sown that now need to be watered and looked after by all of us, and at the end of a very busy week we pray that God will show us how, when and the where to water those seeds. God's Glory be Praised in Heaven for the work that has started this week with some of the children in Urswick.

Sarah and I are praying into our future as to where God wants us to go. We both feel called into some form of full-time children's ministry. We therefore thank you and ask for your continued support and prayers as we seek out God's will for our lives.