Thursday, 24 March 2011

Urswick Brownies

Last Night we went to Urswick Brownies and told them a little bit about what we do as Jester for Jesus. This will help towards their world faith badge. we told the story of Elijah and how he had to put all his trust in God to provide him with the food he needed and then how God provided that food firstly by the ravens then by the widow. The evening was a mix of songs, story telling, acting out, magic, crafts and games.

We hope that they all enjoyed themselves as we certainly did.

Tuesday, 22 March 2011

Assemblies this week

Church Walk Infants
On Monday we had our second visit to Church Walk School and took Scruff the Dog. The Theme for the assembly was senses given to us by the school. So Scruff had hear about a treasure of bones, so he went to look for them, then he dug (touched them), so he could smell them then he ate them. I linked these to God giving us all these senses to interact with His world. The kids loved it.

Low Furness School
On Tuesday we took the assembly at Low Furness. I did the same one as I did at Croftlands last week and told the Samuel story using a couple of children to help out as Samuel and Hannah. I managed to get the point across that no matter how old you are God can use you in a big way.

Friday, 18 March 2011

Croftlands Schools

It seems a long time since I posted a blog but that is partly due to me being out of action following an operation.

But things are getting back to normal now - that is if things are ever normal.

This week I have been into the two Croftlands Schools to take assemblies. I told them the story of Samuel and had some children dressed up acting out the characters. It was a bit of a story tester for Bible Explorer because will I have be physically out of action I have been preparing my stories and ordering props for Bible Explorer. The way the children respond is ?&$! well words can't describe it really you have to be there to see it. I count myself very lucky to be able to go in and take assemblies presenting the children with a biblical message. Two other schools have expressed an interest in us going in to take assemblies which again is God working ahead of us.

God Bless you for reading this and thank you again for your ever prayerful support for our ministry.

Mark and Sarah