Monday, 26 September 2011

What a Busy Day

Well today has been a rather full day. We started with an assembly at St. Marys RC Ulverston at 9:05 then we went onto Pennington School for 10:15 followed by a meeting at St. Peters Ireleth and finaly found ourselves at Kepplewray for a meeting to talk about Christmas.
The two assemblies were based on the bible story of Jesus calling his first followers and we told the children that no matter what we look like, sound like and even smell like we are all special to God. We sang Great big God and Touch a finger.
Our meeting at Ireleth was to discuss with the head about taking assemblies and we start next week and will be doing them once every two weeks which is great news. I also managed to talk a bit about the fundays we do as well as Bible Explorer - watch this space!!
Onto Kepplewray - we have been asked by the staff to do something at Christmas time as a way of telling school children the real meaning behind Christmas so we have been booked for 4 days in December.
So we have had a great day today felling really Blessed and up lifted. Praise God.

Tuesday, 20 September 2011

Croftlands Schools

Had a great time today at both of the Croftlands Schools. We sang Our God is a Great Big God and I told them the story about Jesus calling Peter and Andrew. And that despite they were dirty, smelly, and not very nice to look at Jesus still wanted them to be His followers. I told the children it doesn't matter what we look like, smell like, etc we are special to God. We then finished with Touch a Finger which reminds us that we are special.

Tuesday, 13 September 2011

Low Furness School

Today was the first of this terms and in fact this years assemblies and we went to Low Furness School. The story we told was a modern day version of the Good Samaritan. Our story took place on a train from London to Birmingham which the children chanted as the story was told. The man in the story fell ill on the train and was pass by a policeman, a nurse, a pop star celeb and then a young hoodie came to his aid. It was still the same basic story but in a modern setting. The children enjoyed it as they chanted the London to Birmingham bit and as their friends got dressed up as the various characters.
A great start to the year I feel.

Thursday, 8 September 2011


Set up a Google Calendar which can be accessed via our website. It shows all the meetings, assemblies and events we are currently involved with, call back to it frequently to see all the up dated assembly dates etc.