Sunday, 30 June 2013

Opening day of the HUB

This afternoon I was asked to be part of the opening of the HUB at Hartington Street Methodists in Barrow.  I was asked to go as Bertie and perform for the crowds as the afternoon went on.  There was a number of people there during the afternoon and I performed three different magic shows across the afternoon.  I enjoyed myself and judging by the comments I got back at the end so did a lot of other people too.

Urswick Church Funday

On Saturday we had been asked to go along to the funday over at Gleaston as part of a celebration from Urswick church.  It started at 12 noon and throughout the afternoon I performed as Bertie the Clown and managed to do three shows.  Each show I did had a gospel message in it.  The event brought in good numbers and was a great day.

Friday, 28 June 2013

Bibleworld Day 5

Bibleworld went great again today.  We welcomed Pennington school year 5 and then year 6 on board.  They had a great time.  It has been a truly blessed week we have seen 321 children visit from 8 different local schools with another 24 children visiting at night.  There has also been a total of 94 adult visitors which include staff, evening visitors and volunteers.  We are so grateful to the 12 volunteers who have helped across the week to make Bibleworld special for all the children that have visited.  I can't leave out Hannah Nisbet who came down with Bibleworld, she has work so hard this week and made the week what it has been.  We are already looking to June 2015 when we hope to get Bibleworld back in Ulverston.

Bibleworld is all packed away now and as I write is sitting waiting to be picked up and taken back to Scotland were it will under go some routine maintenance and down time ready for the start of the new school year starting in August (Scottish schools break up today)  Hannah is already back in Scotland safe and sound.

Praise God for a fantastic week.

Thursday, 27 June 2013

Bibleworld Day 4

Had another fantastic time today on board Bibleworld.  We had some more children in from Sir John Barrow School, then we had a small class from St Peters Ireleth followed by our biggest class of the week 36 pupils from Low Furness School.  Then tonight we had our second open evening and the Ignite group children came along to do some of the activities that they hadn't done during the week when their schools visited.  Please continue to pray for Bibleworld as we welcome on board Pennington school in the morning.  Pray for Hannah as she delivers the two sessions tomorrow and for a safe pack away during the afternoon as well as a safe journey back to Scotland.

Wednesday, 26 June 2013

BX OT4 Pennington

Bible Explorer went well today at Pennington School.  The children loved getting involved with the stories particularly today as there was a number of characters to dress up and act out little parts.  We covered the life of Samuel, Saul, David and Solomon and ended with the kingdom being divided up into Israel and Judah.  Next week we will look at the exile and the fab story of Esther.

Bibleworld Day 3

Half way through the week already I don't know what happens to time.  Today went well at Bibleworld although I was only there for the first session this morning when the first group of Sir John Barrow came in.  The second group arrived as I was leaving to go home and get ready for Bible Explorer.  This afternoon a big group came through from Penny Bridge school and Hannah said they all seemed to enjoy it.  More schools tomorrow along with the second open night.  Continue to pray for Bibleworld particularly the safety of the children as they travel but also that they will encounter something of God while on board Bibleworld.

Tuesday, 25 June 2013

Bibleworld Day 2

Had another great day today on board Bibleworld.  We had two class groups from Croftlands Juniors and a group from St Marys RC School plus this evening we have had an open night.  The school groups all enjoyed it and I heard that as the first Croftlands group passed the second group on their way down they were saying how good it was.  The children at St Marys really got into the stations and seemed to get a lot from it.  This evening we had a few children visit who had been this morning with Croftlands which was good to see.  Tomorrow we have Sir John Barrow School in for two sessions as well as Penny Bridge in the afternoon.  Continue to pray for all those involved with Bibleworld this week and for Hannah who is the Bibleworld Coordinator.

Monday, 24 June 2013

Bibleworld Day 1

Had a fantastic day today on board Bibleworld.  The exhibition arrived nice and early this morning and was able to park up without any problems in the allocated space down at Lakes Leisure.  The setting up went great and everything went smoothly.  Our first group arrived on time at 11:00am and spent about an hour with us.  The group was split into six and the children moved around three of the six stations.  experience all manner of things from how the bible was printed, to what's in the bible, to doing a quiz on the bible, exploring creation and how the bible is sent round the world.  This afternoon a second group came in and went around the exhibition.  I think it is safe to say that all the children and the adults really enjoyed their time with us today.

Please pray for tomorrow as three more groups from schools come down as well as for the open evening too.

Saturday, 22 June 2013


I can’t believe it but Bibleworld arrives in the morning!  It was over a year ago that we spoke to the Scottish Bible Society about it and it is about to start. 

Please pray for the event this week, particularly pray today for Hannah who will be runs the exhibition she arrives from Scotland this evening pray for a safe journey, also pray for the safe arrival of the exhibition which is due at 8am in the morning, pray to for the setting up time.  Then across the week pray for all the schools that will be taking part as well as the staff who will accompany them, pray God’s protection on them.  Finally pray for the adult volunteers who will work alongside Hannah in delivering the teaching sessions. 

I have included the list of schools and the names of the volunteers. 

We want to see this event Glorify God here in our town of Ulverston.

God Bless you all today.


Thursday, 20 June 2013

Ignite - water to wine

Had a great time tonight at Ignite - the children arrived and we went into the garden to play a water based game.  They were given a 2 litre bottle of water and an old 35mm film can, they had to fill the can with water and then transport it and then pour it into another 2 litre bottle (that had the top cut off) however as they did this the water changed colour red or green.  We had the children carry the can on their head, balance on the hand and then we pin pricked a hole in the bottom and they carried it in the hand and on the head!!  Each race was timed and the one with the largest amount of water at the end was the winner.  We then had our pizza and chips followed by ice cream.  We then settled down to watch the DVD which was the wedding in Cana - Sarah asked them if they had ever been to a wedding and what it was like etc.  The Relive DVD told the story with a bit of a modern slant to it.  I asked the children about how various people might have felt at the wedding seeing the miracle happen I also asked how they would have felt if they were there.  This led me on to talk about magic and tricks - I took a piece of paper and placed it into an envelope then when I removed it the paper had turn into a £10 note.  The children were impressed but then I showed them how to do it and even how to make the prop so they in turn could do it to other people.  We then tried to explain that what Jesus did was not a magic trick but a miracle.  Following this we divided the group in two and asked them to write down 6 things to pray for then I rolled a dice called the number and encouraged the children to pray for what ever on the list by that number.  A number of the children prayed as the numbers were called.  All in all a great night.

Leven Valley School - a Great Great Brill Brill time

This morning at Leven Valley School we started with Great Big God and Sarah introduced the idea that we have a great big God which led to the story of the fiery furnace in Daniel 3.  Following the illustration Sarah then continued to talk about our great big God and how he looks after us and protects us which led us into Wonderful Lord followed by a prayer.  Then as we have more time we sang Great Great Brill Brill followed by Chicken Dance and then said the Lord's Prayer to close.

Wednesday, 19 June 2013

BX OT3 at Pennington

This afternoon I was at Pennington School doing lesson three of BX.  Had a great time - all the children had remembered the actions which was a good start to the lesson.  They listened and joined in as I went through the lesson covering Joshua, Judges and Ruth.  Many children putting up hands to be a part of the story from spies, to Samson etc.  Next week we start to look at the first king Saul.

St Peters - down in a den just lion there!

This morning Sarah and I were at St Peters.  After starting with So Many Ways to Praise the Lord I told the story of Daniel in the lions den using the Lion Storyteller bible.  Sarah then went onto talk about belief and faith and how Daniel had trusted in God and believed he could save him.  From this we then sang Be Happy followed by a prayer and closed with the Lords Prayer.

Tuesday, 18 June 2013

Ulverston Infants - God protects us

This morning at Ulverston Infants we did the assembly with Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego and the fiery furnace, so before we started we sang Great Big God then I told the story using my magic trick.  At the end Sarah explained that God is always looking out for us and wants the best for us and also wants to protect us.  This led into Wonderful Lord.

Thursday, 13 June 2013

Our Lady's Dalton - having a great time

This morning we were at Our Lady's in Dalton and to start we sang Great Big God, which was an intro really to the Great Big God we serve.  The story was from Daniel 3 the fiery furnace told using a magical prop.  Following this Sarah talked about how God looks after and protects us from all kinds of things which led to us singing Wonderful Lord.

Wednesday, 12 June 2013

BX OT2 at Pennington

Had a great afternoon at Pennington School doing Bible Explorer.  I had left Joseph in Egypt as we hadn't quite finished last weeks story - but the class teacher said before I started that I was not to worry if I ran over this week.  So I finished the Joseph story and then went on to do the second lesson and Moses.  The children sat and listened as I went through the story and explained parts of the story to them and linked it into today by talking about the 10 commandments and also how Passover is still celebrated today around the world by Jewish families.  They were keen to do the hand signs as well and when I finish I was asked if they could do all the hand signs and not just the ones from today which was very encouraging.  Next week Joshua and the Judges.

Tuesday, 11 June 2013

Croftlands Infants School - intro to Holiday Club

This afternoon at Croftlands Infants we launched the holiday club to the children, so to start we did Great Big God followed by the story of the fiery furnace as we have done in all the schools this week.  Again Sarah talked to the children about how God looks after us and protects us.  We then sang Wonderful Lord.  After which I introduced the children to the holiday club.

Low Furness School - success

Today the theme for the assembly was success.  We decided to do the assembly we have been doing about Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego in the fiery furnace.  The first part of the story does in fact talk about how God blessed them and made them successful because they obeyed him in whatever they did.  Our first song was Great Big God and then I told the story as I have done to a number of schools.  Sarah continued the theme through by talking again about success because the three of them had trusted in God and therefore he protected them.  This led to Wonderful Lord.

Monday, 10 June 2013

Penny Bridge School - a piece of card with pictures, a fiery furnace it has to be Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego

This afternoon at Penny Bridge School we started with Great Big God as it is an old favourite but also it led into our assembly about the fiery furnace story from Daniel 3 when Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego refused to bow down to the kings statue.  The illustration went very well using a prop with pictures on it.  This led to Sarah talking about how God protects and shields us which worked nicely into Wonderful Lord. 

Pennington School - to bow or not to bow

This morning at Pennington School Sarah and I started the assembly with an old favourite - Great Big God as it fitted well with our theme about the fiery furnace in Daniel 3.  Following the song I told the story of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego and how they stood up for what they believed and didn't follow the crowd when they bowed down to a statue of the king.  As a prop I used the trick I bought for holiday club.  Following this Sarah added a bit about God looking after us and protecting us which led nicely into Wonderful Lord, during which I said a prayer.

Wednesday, 5 June 2013

BX OT1 at Pennington

This afternoon I took the first lesson with the year 5 class for BX Old Testament.  The children were all very excited to see me in a slightly different context than doing assemblies with Sarah.  One girl saw the props box and said goodie dressing up stuff.  The lesson started well and the children soon got into the hand signs and responded to them with ease.  We didn't quite finish the Joseph story so we left him in Egypt until next week when we will take up the story again and then move on into Moses.

St Peters - a slightly longer assembly with the children

This morning Sarah and I had an extended time with the children in the assembly.  So to start off we sang Great Big God followed by Giants of Faith.  I then went on to do the fiery furnace story using the trick we have bought ready for holiday club.  I concluded that part with saying just how much God looks after us and protects us.  Sarah then took it a stage further by asking out a couple of children, she asked one of them to count the hairs on the other ones head.  This led to her saying that God knows all about us including the number of hairs on our head which is truly amazing.  This led to us singing Touch a Finger followed by Wonderful Lord in which we said a short prayer and finished with the Lord's Prayer.

Tuesday, 4 June 2013

Crosthwaite - Gary with Alberts postcard.

Today at Crosthwaite we had been asked to take Gary along.  Gary hasn't made very many appearances this year in schools.  We got asked to sing Great Big God by one of the teachers as the children had been singing it on the playground.  Gary had been given a postcard from his friend Albert who was on a cruise round the Med.  He had been to some wonderful places many of which Gary wanted to go to as well so he interrupted Sarah all the time.  At the end Sarah talked about Pentecost and the coming of the Holy Spirit, and about how after that time the gospel message started to spread to the very places Albert had visited.  We concluded the assembly by singing Shine followed by a prayer.

Croftlands Juniors - Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego holiday club launch

This morning we did the assembly at Croftlands Juniors.  We thought that as it was the day we launched holiday club to the children we would sing an old favourite - Great Big God.  We displayed the poster to the children and then I started to tell the story of the fiery furnace with Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego.  I used the magic prop that I had bought for the holiday club to help tell the story.  There were a few surprised faces when the trick was over.  We followed this by talking about how God protects us and looks after us which led very nicely into Wonderful Lord.

Monday, 3 June 2013

Broughton School - thinking of how God looks after us - Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego

Today I went along to Broughton School for the assembly.  I had decided to try out the Daniel 3 story using the magic trick that I bought as a way of practice ready for the holiday club.  The story is of the big statue that the king builds and he expects everyone to bow down to it including Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego - they say no and it leads to them being thrown into the fiery furnace.  The trick lends itself well to the telling of the story.  The message was simple in that God protects us from all kinds of things in the world and the song Wonderful Lord reflects that in it's words which is what we sang at the end.