Tuesday, 24 November 2009

Low Furness School Assembly

What a joy it is to walk into a school on a Monday morning and see the children's bright smiley face's and to get the reaction 'oh cool Mark and Sarah' and 'great Sarah and Mark' and others very similar. Yesterday we did the Good Samaritan story from the children's bible, Sarah read out the story while I encouraged children from all year groups to play the parts of the people in the story. We have in the past during our fundays told a modern day version of the story and had the children dress up as a nurse, police man and a rock star celeb. and the good samaritan as a teenage hoody, with the action taking place on a train. However as time is short during assemblies we just improvised yesterday. I then linked the story into helping others particularly as lots of people around us and in the town have been hit by the floods. Sarah finished the assembly (as I was due at school) with Great Big God.

Next week as we enter into December and the season of advent we start our Christmas assemblies. I am still making the main prop I need for those assemblies so I pray that I'll get time to finish it in time (I've been doing a bit of supply teaching this week).

Other news we have been asked to go over to Millom to take part in a Christmas market (dressed as Bertie the Clown) to entertain the crowds. It is a secular event but the pastor of one of the church's over there has asked us to go. I will drop in a little Christian message along the way, showing the true meaning of Christmas.

That our news for now.

Mark and Sarah

Thursday, 19 November 2009

Croftlands Infant School Assembly

Tuesday we had another great time sharing God's word with the infants of Croftlands school. We introduced them to a new song 'Be Happy' and then sang their all time favourite 'Our God is a great big God' To see the children jumping up and down as we sing is a sight indeed to behold. When Jesus said in His word let the children come to me... how it must gladden his heart also to see the children singing in this way, particularly in a world that is tending to do away with "worship" in schools. I pray that both Sarah and I will be able to continue this work long into the future.


Thursday, 12 November 2009

Low Furness School

It has been such a busy week this week I haven't had time to write this following our assembly on Monday at Low Furness School. Again the children recieved us with great joy as I wearing some dark glasses went round the room talking about how dark everything was. Someone eventually told me to take off the dark glasses (thank you Sarah) after which I explained to the children that we sometimes walk about in the dark or wearing what seems like dark glasses. I then read them the verse from John which Jesus says He is the light of the world. And then explain to the children what that means for us today. We closed the assembly with a good old sing of Hey Diddle Diddle which went down a storm with all the children.

I am currently working on something for Christmas (hence the reason why I'm busy) which will be used in our Christmas assemblies at the start of December.


Tuesday, 3 November 2009

Croftlands Junior School

Today we were back at Croftlands Junior school. It is a great joy to be welcomed by the staff and particularly the children with such things as 'is Gary coming?' 'great' and shouts of 'yes' when the children see us. Following on from halloween we decided to talk about Jesus the light of the world, and I did an illustration about what it is like to wear dark glasses and be grumpy all the time but with Jesus the one who lights up our way everything is better. The children responded very well to us again particularly when we started to sing the Holy Washing Machine song. What a privilege it is to be able to share the gospel message with anyone but particularly with children as they can have their whole life in front of them with Jesus lighting up their way.

Please continue to pray for the work we are doing in the schools in Ulverston.


Sunday, 1 November 2009

Highlights Party on Croftlands

Last night 31st October our church put on a Highlights Party as an alternative to halloween. We had a great time with fun, games and a talking light production. We were able to witness to 19 children and some of their families about Jesus, the light of the world. (John 8:12) The picture on the left is the lit up sign that Mark made to place on top of his car and it shone out for all to see as they wandered around the estate trick or treating. A group of children knocked on the community centre door to 'trick or treat' and were happy to accept our tract explaining that halloween is a big trick and that Jesus is a real treat.