What a joy it is to walk into a school on a Monday morning and see the children's bright smiley face's and to get the reaction 'oh cool Mark and Sarah' and 'great Sarah and Mark' and others very similar. Yesterday we did the Good Samaritan story from the children's bible, Sarah read out the story while I encouraged children from all year groups to play the parts of the people in the story. We have in the past during our fundays told a modern day version of the story and had the children dress up as a nurse, police man and a rock star celeb. and the good samaritan as a teenage hoody, with the action taking place on a train. However as time is short during assemblies we just improvised yesterday. I then linked the story into helping others particularly as lots of people around us and in the town have been hit by the floods. Sarah finished the assembly (as I was due at school) with Great Big God.
Next week as we enter into December and the season of advent we start our Christmas assemblies. I am still making the main prop I need for those assemblies so I pray that I'll get time to finish it in time (I've been doing a bit of supply teaching this week).
Other news we have been asked to go over to Millom to take part in a Christmas market (dressed as Bertie the Clown) to entertain the crowds. It is a secular event but the pastor of one of the church's over there has asked us to go. I will drop in a little Christian message along the way, showing the true meaning of Christmas.
That our news for now.
Mark and Sarah