Monday, 10 May 2010

Our God is a Great Big God...

Our God is a Great Big God and He holds us in His hands.
Today I went to my school to find out that my part-time 1 year contract is not being renewed. This has come as no surprise to us as the school role has dropped and the school is running at a great loss at present.
We are both praying that God will open up a new door for us somewhere. This year has been so wonderful being part-time has enabled us to open up a schools work and ministry in three local schools, plus being a teacher with week ends free enables us to do fun days and Sunday School also doing something other than teaching would mean not being able to do holiday clubs.
So this blog is a request for your prayers too: to ask God what the way forward is. I have long had a desire to do more with the children and more outside market type work trying out the car boot sale and taking the gospel message there. My really big idea is a double decker bus that can go to markets, car boot sales, schools, shopping centres who knows where. God is in charge I know that and Sarah knows that. So this morning as I read the letter I felt very happy and I've been excited all day knowing that God has something better for us. Praise the Lord for His goodness to us and His Blessing are new every morning.