Thursday, 23 September 2010

Windermere Junior School

This was today!

Yes a blog published on the right day.

Today we went up to Windermere Junior School, however we were a little late as there was a delay on the A590, But God answers prayer and the road was clear after Sarah took a short Detour. The children welcomed us with silent cheers as we arrived to take the assembly. A quick burst of 'Be Happy' and on with the main part, just like Croftlands Junior school on Tuesday we did a talk about what people might think about us and linked it to the Fruit of the Spirit. We concluded with Shine which was a new one on the children. Following the assembly we booked up dates up to and New Year and we have to take Gary next time.

It is a pure joy to be able to work with children and in particular to teach them about how they should live their lives for Jesus. It must be the best job in the world.