Thursday, 4 November 2010

Windermere Junior School

Today we visited Windermere Junior School to take the assembly. We had a lovely drive up past the lake and marvelled at the wonderful orange, yellows, reds and browns on the trees - I think God has great fun with colours at this time of year.

The children and staff welcomed us as we played Friend of God as the children sat down in the hall. We started with Our God is a Great Big God before Gary came up and talked about his Bessie mate Ben (best mate that is). We then linked this to the friends that Jesus had when he was on the earth, Sarah asked the children to name the 12 special friends the children managed to name 7 which was good. We then talked about how some of them like Peter let him down, but Jesus forgave him and welcomed him back and in fact the church was started with Peter. Although we had slightly gone over time we sang Shine to end the assembly.