Friday, 14 January 2011

New Year Catch Up

Well what can I say God is Good.

We are now firmly back into the swing of things following the Christmas break and enjoying every aspect of the work we are doing. We have a very full time-table of events and assemblies fill in between now and Easter, they range from school assemblies, to Christianity Clubs, Bible Explorer plus training as well as going to the Cubs at Dalton again - not to mention all the normal stuff we do week by week. Today we had a very positive chat with the headteacher of Ulverston Infants School (Church Walk) and we have a date for our first assembly there which is great. Mark started his Bible Explorer Training on Tuesday and has today been to watch lesson 1 of the 5 that make up the whole of the Old Testament - he is very excited about the training and indeed about becoming a Bible Explorer Instructor. Other news church have signed up to the E100 programme and that was started last week in Church with most people taking the books and saying that they would like to follow it. God is really working His purpose out - continue to pray for the work we are doing and check out the web site and facebook for updates and events throughout the year.