Thursday, 10 November 2011

Leven Valley School

Today we went again to Leven Valley School. It is one of the smallest schools we go to but they surely sing out the songs. We started with 'Our God is a Great Big God', then went on to tell the story from Luke of the Good Samaritan - but in a modern way. The man was on a journey just the same as in Luke but on a train instead of a donkey. The children help to set the scene by chanting 'London' to 'Birmingham' done at the right speed it sounds like a train. Some of the children also get dressed up to help us in the story. We have a police man who walks right past the man on the train who is ill (I don't tell them that in Jesus' story he was mugged by robbers), next we have a nurse who has just completed night shift and is very hungry, now I add an extra passer by in the form of a Celeb who has just got engaged and is seeking fans. The Samaritan in my story is a 'hoodie' - and like the Samaritans of Jesus' day was a good person just mis-understood. He is the one who helps the man and even hands over his birthday money so the man can buy himself a new train ticket when he is feeling better. It has the same meaning as the story Jesus told except the people are ones the children can relate to. We finished with 'Shine' then Sarah closed the assembly with a prayer.

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