Wednesday, 15 May 2013

Crosthwaite School - Scruff the Dog

This afternoon I went along to Crosthwaite school for the assembly as Sarah was at the school council at Low Furness.  To start we sang Be Happy and then I introduced the children to Scruff the Dog.  Some of the children had seen him before but some hadn't.  He came out of the bag look rather cool in his dark shades and acting up a bit too.  When asked about the shades he cooling said because he was cool.  Eventually we managed to get the truth out of him because although he thought he was cool they were in fact a pink pair of shades - which are not cool on a boy dog.  He told us he was trying to hide as he was a little embarrassed because he had chased the postman down the path - which I said was OK in a game but Scruff had chased him and took a fancy to his leg also.  I sent Scruff away to think about what he had done and asked the children what he should do.  They all said he should say sorry.  I went onto say that we should always say sorry whenever we hurt or upset people because that's what God wants us to do.  We then sang Great Big God followed by a prayer.

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