Wednesday, 12 March 2014

St Peters Ireleth

This morning Sarah and I went over to St Peters, the sun was shinning and the drive was great.  It was such a good feeling, a morning to be happy on - which was the title of the first song we sang Be Happy.  After the song I retold the story of Naaman from 2 Kings 5 using a magic trick that I had made last year.  I explained who he was and that he had a problem with his skin and I showed a picture of him looking a bit unhappy and covered in red sores.  After being told by an Israelite slave to go to Israel and see God's man Elisha he bathed seven times in the dirty river Jordan.  Now Naaman didn't feel like doing this as the water was so dirty as he had better and more cleaner water in his own country.  But he obeyed and as I counted up to seven I place the picture of Naaman into a frame which was to represent the water.  After the seven washes Naaman needed to get dry and to do that he needed a towel so I covered over the frame and dried him off but now when I lifted him out he was clean and the red sores had gone and he was happy - Naaman was healed.  Now this was a trick but what really happen was a miracle.  Sarah then went on to talk about other miracles in the bible as well as modern day miracles too.  After we had finished we sang Shine and then closed with a prayer followed by the Lords Prayer.

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