Tuesday, 15 July 2014

Low Furness School

After the assembly at SJB Sarah and I went to Low Furness School for the last assembly of the school year and the last assembly with year 6 and Grace.  It was a little sad I have to say knowing that it was Grace's last assembly with Mum and Dad.  To start off the assembly we sang Inright Outright then Sarah told the story of Paul's shipwreck from the Lion Storyteller Bible.  The was a response for the children to say- every time they heard 'was Paul worried' the children needed to say 'no not at all'  after a quick practise they got the idea.  Following the story I fill in some other details about it like how many people there were on the ship 276 the fact that the storm lasted 14 days.  I did ask who had been on a ship on the sea and also asked if they had ever been in a storm at sea.  I recalled a time when we got caught in a storm when Grace was a baby.  I reinforced the point we made during the transition assembly a few weeks ago about God being with us wherever we go, using the passage from Joshua 1:8  Be strong and courageous, do not be afraid for God will be with you wherever you go.  At the end of the assembly we sang the Chicken Dance song as a final treat for the year 6 children.  Then afterwards we got the children settled down for a final prayer.

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