Thursday, 28 January 2016

Flookburgh School

This morning Sarah and I went to Flookburgh School for the assembly.  It was our first visit since Christmas and it was good to see all the children and staff again.  To start off the assembly we sang God Can Do Anything then I told the story of Jesus calling Peter and Andrew followed by James and John.  To tell the story I used the Big ministries Book 2 which has responses for the children to make on certain key words.  As I told the story I did ad lib a bit just to make it even more interesting.  After the story Sarah talked about how each one of us is special to God and he can use anyone of us.  This being special linked into the song Touch a finger which we finished off with.  Then I reminded them just how special they all were before closing with a prayer.

Wednesday, 27 January 2016

BX OT4 Burlington School

This afternoon was the fourth lesson of Bible Explorer at Burlington School.  The lesson was about Samuel, Saul, David and Solomon.  We learnt how God used Samuel to talk to the old priest Eli and how he was asked to appoint the first and second kings of Israel being Saul and David.  We also had the David and Goliath story as well as looking at the wisdom od Solomon.  As we closed the lesson the community of Israel was divided in two Judah in the South and Israel in the North.  Next week to finish with the exile, Queen Esther and the promise of Jesus.

Broughton School

This morning I went over to Broughton School to do our first assembly of 2016 with them.  It was great to see all the children again following the Christmas break (it seems a long time ago now) I wished the children a Happy New Year.  To start of we sang God Can Do Anything, then I told the story of Jesus selecting Peter and Andrew to be followers of him.  To help me I used the Big Ministries Book 2 which has responses for the children to do and say on certain trigger words ( I have added a few of my own to it also)  I didn't read the story directly from the book as I did quite a bit of ad lib as I went along.  After the story I reminded the children that we are all special in God's eyes and that we don't need to have loads of money, fancy clothes, a posh house and car for God to use us in some way- Peter and Andrew were smelly, dirty fishermen yet they were used in a massive way by Jesus.  We are all special and so we sang Touch a Finger to finish off the assembly as it mentions about us being special to God.  I close the assembly with a prayer.

St Peters

This morning I went to St Peters School to do the assembly.  I started it with God Can Do Anything, then I told the story of Jesus calling Peter and Andrew using the Big Ministries Book 2.  The story has a few trigger words were the children can respond.  I didn't follow the story exactly as printed I added my own parts to it.  After that I reminded the children just how special they are in God's eyes and that God can use anyone of them just like Peter and Andrew.  We don't have to be anything special - after all God can do anything.  As we are all special to God the only song we have that says this is Touch a Finger, following the song I said a prayer finishing with the Lord's Prayer.

Tuesday, 26 January 2016

Crosthwaite School

This afternoon I went over to Crosthwaite School to take the assembly.  It was an interesting drive as the rain hasn't stopped falling all day, I drove through several floods (not deep ones) to get there.  It was the first visit for us of 2016 so after wishing the children and staff a Happy New Year I started the assembly with God Can Do Anything.  I said that later on in the assembly I was going to link this to the story I had for them.  I introduced the story of Jesus calling Peter and Andrew which is a story that requires the children to respond at certain points.  So I divided the children up into 3 groups and each one took on a response.  The story went well and then afterwards I talked about how we are all special and that God can us to do things for him and like Peter and Andrew who are ordinary people, we don't have to be clever, have loads of money and the latest things anyone of us can do stuff for him.  I pointed out that God can use us as God can do Anything and nothing is too big or small for him.  Being that we are special to God we sang to finish Touch a Finger which mentions that we are special.  Then we said a prayer.

Low Furness School

This morning I went to Low Furness School for the assembly.  The theme given to us was Going for Goals.  To start off the assembly I had decided to sing God Can Do Anything and said that later on I would link to this.  I then asked the children what they wanted to be when they grew up.  A few children answered pop star, police etc.  I talked about when I was their age and what I wanted to be an electrician.  Then later on I changed my mind and wanted to do something with history - in the end I became a teacher, teaching electronics.  I explained that we sometimes have a goal in life and work towards that but God might have a different idea and plan for us.  I then used the story of Jesus calling Peter and Andrew from being fishermen which they had done all their lives and followed their father and even grandfather, to be fishermen for him, fishing for people.  Following the story I displayed the Jeremiah 29:11 passage in picture form and explained it to the children - I displayed the words afterwards for them to read.  I reminded the children that they are all special to God and that God can do anything and that nothing is too big or small for him.  We might think we want to be a football player and go for that goal (no pun intended) but God wants us to be a Politian instead.  To finish we sang Touch a finger as this talks about us being special to God.  I then closed with a prayer.

Monday, 25 January 2016

Pennington School

This afternoon I went to Pennington School to take the assembly, it was the first visit of this year so after wishing the children a Happy New Year I started the assembly with God can do anything.  After this I told the story of Jesus calling Peter and Andrew, to tell the story I used the Big Ministries book which has key words which the children can respond to.  I divided the school so that year 4,5,6 did one response and year 2,3 another then 1,R the other.  As the story went on I paused in some places just before a word that needed a response, I could hear the children muttering it under their breathe so I used a different word then the real word this kept the children listening and brought a bit of a laugh to the assembly.  After the story I pointed out that Jesus picked and used ordinary people to follow him and he still does that today - we are all special to God and he can use us no matter what we look like, or what interest we have or how much money we have because we are all special.  This linked into the song Touch a Finger which we sang next then I closed with a final prayer.

Penny Bridge School

This morning Sarah and I went to do the first assembly of the New Year at Penny Bridge School.  It was really great to see all the children and staff again.  To start of the assembly we sang God can do anything.  Following this I told the story of Jesus calling Andrew and Peter, I used the Big Ministries book 2 which has key words the children need to respond to as I tell the story, I also added a few of my own.  Although I took the idea of the story from the book I did a considerable amount of ad lib along the way. After the story Sarah then explained that the fishermen were just everyday people - a bit smelly and dirty but what we look like, what we own, no matter what age we are we are all special to God and he can use us for his work.  We then sang Touch a finger before Sarah closed with a prayer.

Thursday, 21 January 2016

Leven Valley School

This morning I went down to do the assembly at Leven Valley School.  It was our first one since Christmas so I started by wishing them a Happy New Year.  We then sang God Can Do Anything.  Following the song I told the story of Jesus calling Peter and Andrew and to help the children had some responses to make at certain key words.  I explained what the children had to do whenever they heard the word.  After the story I encouraged the children in that Jesus picked ordinary people like us to be his followers.  Peter and Andrew were smelly, dirty fishermen not well educated but they along with James and John started the church after Jesus died and went back into heaven.  Anyone of us can be a follower of Jesus, as in God's eyes we are all special no matter what we look like, or how clever we are, or what clothes we wear or how much money we have.  To finish off we sang Touch a Finger then I said a closing prayer.

Our Lady's School

This morning I went to Our Lady's School for the assembly.  After saying hello and wishing them a Happy New Year (yes I know it is 21st Jan) We sang God can do Anything then I divided the children into year groups and gave each one a response to say as I told the story of Jesus calling his first followers Peter and Andrew.  I used the Big Ministries Book 2 to tell the story and the children all joined in with the various responses.  The story - a true one  added reminds us that anyone of us can be a follower of Jesus and God can use us in a great way.  The fishermen were smell, dirty, not very well educated but Jesus asked them to start the church and Peter did.  I encouraged the children by telling them that they are all special which linked in with the second song Touch a Finger.  After the song I closed the assembly with a prayer.

Wednesday, 20 January 2016

BX OT3 Burlington School

This afternoon I have had a great time with the lovely children at Burlington School.  It was lesson 3 of Bible Explorer.  We have covered over 400 years of history today in just over 1 hour! and three books of the bible Joshua, Judges and Ruth.  All the children get themselves involved answering questions, asking questions, doing the hand signs and join in with the stories.  Next week we move on to look at the Kings.

Lindale School

This morning Sarah and I went to Lindale school to take the assembly.  We have been given the theme of hope and linking it to the Noah story and the rainbow appearing for the first time.  To start off the assembly we sang God can do Anything, then Sarah talked and ask questions about the Noah story.  I then took over at the point when the ark was a float and the rain then stopped and came to rest and the animals could be let out.  I asked what did they see? - A rainbow!  so I continued to talk about rainbows and about how they are formed - they always come after a storm and then the sun shines making the bow of colours in the sky.  I also mentioned that I have seen a double rainbow following a really heavy storm.  I linked this to the fact that in life we sometimes go through dark times, maybe we have fallen out with someone at school and we lie awake at night thinking about it, then the next morning everything appears to be dark and gloomy.  I encouraged the children to look for the rainbow because it is a symbol of hope for a better future.  I also talked about South Africa and the time when black and white people didn't get on and were very much separate peoples - not living together as a whole.  One person that helped to bring the peoples together was Desmond Tutu he called the people the 'Rainbow People', he encouraged them and reassured them that things would get better because that is what God wanted - he gave them a new hope.  And it happened.  I also share our ministry verse with the children Jeremiah 29:11 I displayed the following picture which shows the verse first and read it through with the children
For I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you plans to give you a hope and a future.
The children thought is was funny with the pictures.  Sarah then introduced the final song May the God of Hope, after the song she then said a prayer.  After the assembly the head teacher ask me for copies of the picture and the verse I had used in the assembly to display on the wall.

Tuesday, 19 January 2016

Croftlands Infants School

This morning I went along to Croftlands Infants School for the first assembly of the new year.  It was great to see all the children again after their Christmas break.  To start off we sang God can do Anything then I introduced the story when Jesus called Peter and Andrew.  I used the Big Ministries book to help tell the story as it has some key words for the children to respond to when they heard me say it.  The children had to respond by shouting something out or doing an action.  Following the story I explained that Peter and Andrew were just every day people they were not special in any way shape or form - they would have been a bit smelly due to their job.  But it doesn't matter what we look like, or sound like or in the case of Peter and Andrew smell like - God and Jesus can use us for his work.  Following the story we sang Touch a Finger which reminds us that no matter what we look like we are special to God.  I then finished off the assembly with a prayer.

Wednesday, 13 January 2016

BX OT1 & 2 Burlinington School

Last week I started Old Testament Bible Explorer at Burlington school and today I did lesson 2.  We have covered the first 5 books of the Old Testament looking at Adam and Eve, Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph and Moses.  Next week we look at Joshua and the Judges finishing with Ruth.  The children love getting involved with the stories and taking part in the dressing up as well as doing all the hand signs in a bold way.

Burlington School

This morning I went along to Burlington School for their assembly.  I decided to introduce a couple of new songs to the children so to start we sang God's love is Bigger than a Burger then I displayed some pictures on the screen.  The first picture was the start of a race, then an aeroplane taking off, a wedding picture and the a book called first day at school.  All of the are the start of something.  I then went on to tell the story of Zacchaeus and displayed pictures as I did.  He had done things wrong and he decided to start again this time with Jesus.  I reminded the children that we all decide to start something new at the beginning of a new year we make promises to ourselves and have a fresh start.  But Zacchaeus decided to make a big life change and follow Jesus.  After this we sang Shine and then I closed with a prayer.

St Peters

This morning I went to do our first assembly of the new year at St Peters it was good to see the children again following the Christmas break.  I started the assembly by singing God can do anything then I showed a short video clip of two friends, they had grown up together, gone to school together and also university - but then they had taken different paths in life one became a judge the other a criminal.  One day the judge came face to face in the court room with his old friend who was now in big trouble, he had to let justice happen so fined him the maximum fine he possibly could for the crimes committed. But then the judge took off his robes and stood with his friend an paid the fine in full.  The theme was justice and the video showed justice taking place in the court room but then the price being paid by someone else.  This I reminded the children is like us, we do things wrong and we call this sin and justice needs to happen and a price paid but Jesus is the one who paid our price and paid it in full.  This just shows how big God's love is it is even bigger than a burger - cue song.  After the song I said a prayer then we all said the Lord's Prayer.

Tuesday, 12 January 2016

Low Furness School

This morning Sarah and I did our first assembly of 2016 at Low Furness school.  Our theme was God's compassion for his people, so after singing God can do anything, Sarah talked a bit about compassion and what it is to show compassion to other people.  I then told the story in my own words of when Jesus was in Galilee near to Cana and he was teaching people, a royal official came to hum and begged Jesus to heal his son.  Jesus did and the man went away again, however as he arrived home the following day he was met by people from his household who told him his son was well.  When the man asked what time it happened it was at the exact time Jesus spoke to him - Jesus showed compassion towards this man and his son.  Sarah went on to explain this to the children.  After this we sang Shine before Sarah closed the assembly with a prayer.