Monday, 25 January 2016

Pennington School

This afternoon I went to Pennington School to take the assembly, it was the first visit of this year so after wishing the children a Happy New Year I started the assembly with God can do anything.  After this I told the story of Jesus calling Peter and Andrew, to tell the story I used the Big Ministries book which has key words which the children can respond to.  I divided the school so that year 4,5,6 did one response and year 2,3 another then 1,R the other.  As the story went on I paused in some places just before a word that needed a response, I could hear the children muttering it under their breathe so I used a different word then the real word this kept the children listening and brought a bit of a laugh to the assembly.  After the story I pointed out that Jesus picked and used ordinary people to follow him and he still does that today - we are all special to God and he can use us no matter what we look like, or what interest we have or how much money we have because we are all special.  This linked into the song Touch a Finger which we sang next then I closed with a final prayer.

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