Tuesday, 21 June 2016

Low Furness School Transition Assembly and Lesson

This morning Sarah and I with Tommy and Emily did our transition assembly about Daniel at Low Furness School.  Some of the issues that Daniel faced when he went to Babylon will be similar to the ones that face year 6 children moving into secondary school, like leaving friends and family behind, different smells, different people, new food stuffs etc.  We encouraged the year 6 children with a verse from Joshua 1:8.  After the assembly we set up for the lesson in a small classroom.  We showed the children a video which had children who are now in year 8 but was filmed when they were in year 7.  The children were asked some questions on the video about going to secondary school like what they had missed most about primary school, what was good about their secondary school etc.  Then the children in year 6 moved around three stations were they looked at other issues they might face next year.  We ended with all the year 6 children making a paper aeroplane inside the folds of the plane they had put down one thing they were worried about.  We flew the planes and as we did we said 'God I give you all my worries'  they then picked up someone else's plane and flew that one saying as they did 'God I give you all this persons worries'  We had a great time with the children of year 6.

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