Wednesday, 13 September 2017

St Peters School

This morning Sarah and I made our first visit of the new school year to St Peters.  It was great to see all the children and staff again.  We introduced the children to Help Me Be Your Eyes Lord Jesus as the words fitted with what we had prepared to say.  We played the action video of the song first. After the song Sarah talked about how we should use our eyes to look around at school, at home, in our community, in our country and even in the world to see where we can help other people who may be in need.  She then linked it to the story of the feeding of the 5000 by saying that a small boy used his eyes, saw a need and did what he could to help.  I then told the story with pictures to remind the children what the story is about.  I also introduced the word hands several times and pointed out that the song not only talks about using our eyes to see where Jesus' love is needed but our hands to help.  Sarah then summed up what we had said before we sang the song again this time displaying the words. After the song Sarah closed with a prayer.

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