Thursday, 28 June 2018

Leven Valley School

This morning Sarah and I went to Leven Valley School for the assembly.  We started by singing Be Happy.  I then told the story of Moses, Joshua, Caleb and the 10 spies.  I recalled the story to the children of when Moses sent out the 12 spies to look over the new land - the Promised Land - however the report Moses got back was not what he was expecting.  Ten spies said that where was major problems.  At this point I read out some reasons not to go (not in the Bible).  As I said each one Sarah (Moses) turned the negative into a positive.  When I had finished I explained that the excuses might be the types of ones the year 6 children are making with regard to moving to secondary school.  I then read a couple out and asked Sarah to explain what might happen at their new school.  We also talked to the younger children as well as they will be moving on through the school.  In the end we gave them the verse from Joshua 1:9 to think about - Be strong and courageous, do not be afraid, do not be discouraged for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.  We then snag God Can Do Anything before finishing with prayer.

Our Ladies

This morning Sarah and I went to Our Lady's for the assembly.  We started by telling the story of Moses, Joshua, Caleb and the 10 spies.  I recalled the story to the children of when Moses sent out the 12 spies to look over the new land - the Promised Land - however the report Moses got back was not what he was expecting.  Ten spies said that where was major problems.  At this point I read out some reasons not to go (not in the Bible).  As I said each one Sarah (Moses) turned the negative into a positive.  When I had finished I explained that the excuses might be the types of ones the year 6 children are making with regard to moving to secondary school.  I then read a couple out and asked Sarah to explain what might happen at their new school.  We also talked to the younger children as well as they will be moving on through the school.  In the end we gave them the verse from Joshua 1:9 to think about - Be strong and courageous, do not be afraid, do not be discouraged for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.  We then snag God Can Do Anything before finishing with the Chicken Dance.  Then once we had calmed them all down again we said a final prayer.

St Marys RC Ulverston

This morning Sarah and I went to St Marys RC for the assembly.  We started by telling the story of Moses, Joshua, Caleb and the 10 spies.  I recalled the story to the children of when Moses sent out the 12 spies to look over the new land - the Promised Land - however the report Moses got back was not what he was expecting.  Ten spies said that where was major problems.  At this point I read out some reasons not to go (not in the Bible).  As I said each one Sarah (Moses) turned the negative into a positive.  When I had finished I explained that the excuses might be the types of ones the year 6 children are making with regard to moving to secondary school.  I then read a couple out and asked Sarah to explain what might happen at their new school.  We also talked to the younger children as well as they will be moving on through the school.  In the end we gave them the verse from Joshua 1:9 to think about - Be strong and courageous, do not be afraid, do not be discouraged for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.  We then snag God Can Do Anything before finishing with the Chicken Dance.  Then once we had calmed them all down again we said a final prayer.

Wednesday, 27 June 2018

Dalton St Marys

This morning I went to do the assembly at Dalton St Marys.  I told the story of Jonah and how he was asked to go to Nineveh and talk to the people.  Jonah went in the other direction and boarded a ship.  When a huge storm hit the ship Jonah was asleep in the boat.  I talked about our holiday last year on a boat and how one night there was a bit of a storm and how we all felt a bit scared, particularly when we saw them doing something to one of the life boats!  Back to the story. Eventually he as woken up and thrown over board and the storm stopped.  God provided a big fish to protect him and for 3 Jonah was in the belly of the smelly fish, I asked who liked fish, then said that when you cook fish there is always a smell the next day in the house - I asked them to imagine what it must have smelt like inside the fish.  God told the fish to spit Jonah out.  So off he went and told the people of Nineveh what God had said and they stopped doing the wrong things.  Jonah sat outside the city feeling sad and he wanted God to punish them for what they had done.  He sat under a tree and waited, the next day the tree had died and Jonah was sat in the full sun.  He complained to God about the tree and God reminded him that trees are here today and gone tomorrow and Jonah cared more for that then the people of Nineveh.  It is a reminder that God cares and loves each and every one of us.  His love is so big it is bigger than anything we can imagine - cue for a song - God's Love is Bigger than a Burger.  After the song we did the Chicken Dance before I said a prayer.

Lindal and Marton School

This morning I went to do the assembly at Lindal and Marton School.  I told the story of Jonah and how he was asked to go to Nineveh and talk to the people.  Jonah went in the other direction and boarded a ship.  When a huge storm hit the ship Jonah was asleep in the boat.  I talked about our holiday last year on a boat and how one night there was a bit of a storm and how we all felt a bit scared, particularly when we saw them doing something to one of the life boats!  Back to the story. Eventually he as woken up and thrown over board and the storm stopped.  God provided a big fish to protect him and for 3 Jonah was in the belly of the smelly fish, I asked who liked fish, then said that when you cook fish there is always a smell the next day in the house - I asked them to imagine what it must have smelt like inside the fish.  God told the fish to spit Jonah out.  So off he went and told the people of Nineveh what God had said and they stopped doing the wrong things.  Jonah sat outside the city feeling sad and he wanted God to punish them for what they had done.  He sat under a tree and waited, the next day the tree had died and Jonah was sat in the full sun.  He complained to God about the tree and God reminded him that trees are here today and gone tomorrow and Jonah cared more for that then the people of Nineveh.  It is a reminder that God cares and loves each and every one of us.  His love is so big it is bigger than anything we can imagine - cue for a song - God's Love is Bigger than a Burger.  After the song we did the Chicken Dance before I said a prayer.

Tuesday, 26 June 2018

George Romney Junior School

This morning Sarah, myself and the transition team (Vic, Charlie and Matt) were at George Romney Junior School working with the year 6 children, helping them as they make the move to secondary school.  We had an hour long lesson were the children looked at issues such as bullying, friendship as well as big question they may face too.  Following the assembly we did a whole school assembly about the 12 spies going into the promised land.

Monday, 25 June 2018

St Peters School

This morning Sarah and I were once again at St Peters School, this time we were joined by Vic, Lisa and Becca for the transition assembly and then lesson with year 6.  Both went well with the whole school enjoying the assembly and the drama about the 12 spies looking over the promised land.  Then our time with the year 6 children was an opportunity to talk to them about their move to secondary school and we hope to dismiss any of their fears about it.

Wednesday, 20 June 2018

Burlington School

This morning Sarah and I went to do the assembly at Burlington School.  We started with Be Happy.  I then told the story of Jonah and displayed pictures as I went along.  I explained after the story that Jonah became sad when the plant that grew to protect up from the sun died, and God said to him that he cared more from the plant than the people of Nineveh.  I linked this to just how much God loves us even when we do things wrong, he never stops loving us.  Sarah added a bit more to this idea before introducing our song God's Love is Bigger than a Burger.  We then finished with a prayer.

St Peters School

This morning Sarah and I went to do the assembly over at St Peters.  We started with Be Happy.  I then told the story of Jonah and displayed pictures as I went along.  I explained after the story that Jonah became sad when the plant that grew to protect up from the sun died, and God said to him that he cared more from the plant than the people of Nineveh.  I linked this to just how much God loves us even when we do things wrong, he never stops loving us.  Sarah added a bit more to this idea before introducing our song God's Love is Bigger than a Burger.  We then finished with a prayer.

Tuesday, 19 June 2018

Crosthwaite School

This afternoon Sarah and I made our final visit of this school year to Crosthwaite School.  We started with singing Be Happy before I told the story of the 12 spies going into the promised land, then as they came back 10 spies made up reasons why they shouldn't go the excuses they made are a bit like the kind of things year 6 children might say as they go into secondary school (not in the Bible) each excuse Sarah (Moses) gave a positive thing about it.  We then talked about moving on as each one of us moves on at some point.  We gave them the verse Joshua 1:9 Be strong and courageous, do not be afraid, do not be discouraged for I am with you wherever you go.  We then sang God can do anything and then as a special treat as it was the last assembly we did the Chicken Dance. Sarah closed the assembly with a prayer.

Low Furness School

This morning Sarah and I went to do the transition assembly and lesson with Low Furness School, we were joined by Hannah and Charlie.  The lesson went very well with the year 6 children as we talked and listened to them as they prepare to make the move to secondary school.  After the lesson we did the assembly which was based on the 12 spies going into the promised land and 10 coming back saying all kinds of problems with it.  The story was in the form of a drama and the excuses were some of the things that year 6 children might say about going to secondary school each excuse was answered by Sarah (Moses) in the drama with a positive thing.  After the drama we sang God can do Anything before we closed with a prayer.

Monday, 18 June 2018

Croftlands Junior School

This morning I did the assembly at Croftlands Junior School.  As we are running up to the holidays and Holiday Club I decided to show the first instalment of the video for  this year.  Then I explained what we do at Holiday Club.  The story this year is about Joseph.  At the end we sang Great Big God as God held Joseph in his hands and likewise he holds us all in his hands.  To finish I said a short prayer. 

Church Walk Primary School

This morning I did the assembly at Church Walk School.  As we are running up to the holidays and Holiday Club I decided to show the first instalment of the video for  this year.  Then I explained what we do at Holiday Club.  The story this year is about Joseph.  At the end we sang Great Big God as God held Joseph in his hands and likewise he holds us all in his hands.  To finish I said a short prayer. 

Wednesday, 13 June 2018

Penny Bridge Academy

This afternoon Sarah, myself and some of the 2018 transition team have been at Penny Bridge doing the transition lesson and assembly with year 6.  We started with the lesson for an hour before doing the assembly to the whole school.  The whole thing went well.

Broughton School

This morning I went over to do the assembly at Broughton School.  It really was great to see all the children again after such a long time (first visit of 2018).  I started with Be Happy, then I did the Cecil the Sheep story from the Lost Sheep company.  Afterwards I asked if they knew what type of story it was that Jesus had told - parable.  I explained what a parable was in that it is an earthly story with a heavenly meaning.  I then asked them who the sheep represent if the shepherd is God - someone said people that do things wrong which is true in the case of the lost sheep, someone else said all of us.  I went on to explain just how much God loves us and like the shepherd wants the best for us - his love is so big that he sent Jesus to earth to die for us.  I then asked if they knew just how big God's love is and someone said bigger than a burger - cue for a song.  After the song I said a short prayer.

Monday, 11 June 2018

Pennington School

This afternoon Sarah and I went to do the assembly at Pennington School.  As a number of the children have in the past come along to our Holiday Club at Croftlands we decided to advertise it during the assembly by showing part 1 of the video.  We then explained when the club is and how to book on line before singing Great Big God - this linked in with the theme for holiday club as it is about Joseph and despite all the highs and lows he went through God was holding him in his hands.  To finish Sarah said a short prayer.

Newton Primary School

This morning Sarah and I went to Newton School for the assembly.  After singing Be Happy I told the story of Moses sending the spies into the promised land.  I displayed some pictures as I recalled the story.  Before I started I explained that at this time of year we do assemblies on our own and sometimes with others to year the children move up through the school and year 6 children as the move to secondary school.  So during the story as the spies came back 10 said that there was problems with the land so as I said what the problem was like too many buildings, different food, funny languages (things that year 6 children might come across in secondary school - not biblical excuses) Sarah (being Moses) replied with a good positive response.  She then explained that it might be a bit scary to change school or just change class and year group - she then recalled Joshua 1:9 to the children which talks about being strong and courageous and not to be afraid for God is with us where ever we go.  We then finished off with God can do Anything.  Sarah finished the assembly with a prayer and then just because it is the last one of the year the Chicken Dance.