Tuesday, 25 September 2018

Crosthwaite School

This afternoon Sarah and I went over to Crosthwaite School to do the assembly.  We started with Inright Outright, Sarah then asked the children about time - like what time do they get up, who tells them, what time is school, what about lunch time etc.  We had a number of really good answers.  She then got them to sit for a minute and stand up when they thought the minute was up.  I continued by showing them an apple and asking what is inside it - I was looking for the word seed which everyone shouted out.  I had a seed and showed it to the children before asking who or what tells the seed to start to grow?  I displayed the apple cycle on the screen before referring to Genesis and talking about how God made the fruit with seed in it and how at the right time it will grow and produce loads of fruit with seed in it etc etc.  I then asked what the time of year it was - harvest.  I encouraged the children to thank God for the many great things he gives to us like the fruit and each time the eat think about just how much God cares for us.  To finish off we sang Creator God then Sarah closed with a prayer.

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