Tuesday, 30 April 2019

Newton Primary School

On Monday morning Sarah and I went to do the assembly at Newton Primary School.  It was our first visit this term, so Sarah started by asking if the children had had a good Easter holidays and if they had had a good Easter weekend - this linked to asking about Easter eggs and chocolate.  As a reminder of what Easter is about we sang Inright Outright.  I then explained what happened after the Friday and led into the story of Jesus talking with the two followers on the road to Emmaus.  When Jesus met up with them they didn't see that it was him, to demonstrate this I had a few famous people who's face's I had made blurry and asked if the children knew who they were.  The followers only realised it was Jesus when he broke the bread.  I told the children that this was the next part of the Easter story which it is but I asked them how they could show Jesus or how could other people see Jesus in them by what they do - I had a number of great suggestions.  This linked to our final song Shine from the inside out.  After this Sarah finished with a prayer.

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