Sunday, 13 June 2010

Croftlands Community Church Fun Day

What a busy day!

That was yesterday. I think I have just about recovered now. We were really blessed by the hot sunshine which made this event so fantastic. Over 200 people attended the event throughout the afternoon, which is more that double the number that came last year so what will next year bring ... God Knows!! We thank the Lord for all that happened at church yesterday, the feedback we have recieved has been really good. The looks on peoples face's when they find out it is free says it all.

Bertie the Clown was there and he did two shows, the first had no gospel message however the second did as he talked about the love God has for us by sending His son to die for us. It was a great time because we that is Sarah and I have had so much contact with the schools on Croftlands, it gave the children the chance to tell their parents who we were.

I love the work we do I feel so honoured to be involved with children and in particular telling them about Jesus I couldn't think of a better job. So I pray that God will continue to work in us to spread God's word to children (and adults)