Saturday, 29 September 2012

Breakfast Time at MCC

This morning (early) I set off from Ulverston to have breakfast at the Network Centre in Millom.  I had been invited to go as Bertie the Clown to do after dinner (breakfast) magic and a short talk.  It was a chance for dads and grandads to get together and have fun as well as eat breakfast.  I arrived early so as to be able to eat my breakfast before everyone else and then I went table to table and entertained the gather crowd.  Then once eating was over I put on a little show which included a mix of magic for the children as well as a trick or two for the adults.  The adults were led down a route to a bible verse via two different tricks then the reveal came with the reading of the verse as well as an envelope prediction.  The verse was John 3:16.  I then just expanded on it a little and talked about God's love and encouraged people to think about it and if they needed they could talk to Fred about it.  Had a great time.

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