Wednesday, 26 September 2012


We went over to Crosthwaite this afternoon to take our first assembly of the new term.  As we have done in previous schools we did the story about working together.  Aesop told a story about parts of the body and how they decided that they would no longer give the stomach any food.  Now we all know that if we don't eat we become ill and that is what happened.  All the other body parts couldn't function as they were meant to do that is until the stomach told them that it was because they too needed the food they fed him in order for them to function.  Although this is not a bible story Paul did write a letter to the Christians in Corinth along similar lines and how we all need to work together.  As Sarah had read the story I then explained it to the children, I also used an example of a jig-saw to further illustrate the point.  As it was the first assembly back we sang Great big God to start with as they all know that one then to finish we sang Shine before Sarah closed in a prayer.

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