Tuesday, 8 April 2014

Easter Experience Church Walk

Today I have been involved with the outside Easter Experience that Church walk school put on for their children as well as 25+ children from Croftlands Infants.  The event took place in the grassed play area at the school.  There were 4 stations for the children to go to, the first one was the Garden of Gethsemane, here they reflected on the time Jesus was in the garden before his arrest and held a small stone and thought about people that are wrongly accused of things. They then moved into the Courtyard of the Chief Priest were there was a fire blazing here they heard the story of Peter when he denied Jesus 3 times. They then took a stick and thought about times when they hadn't been kind or nice to someone as they held the stick 3 bible verses were read about sin and how God forgives us of sin if we ask him.  They then took the stick and handed it to the adult who placed it in the fire.  From here they moved to Golgotha were they looked at and reflected about Jesus on the cross, here they made a cross on the floor using natural things like twigs, leaves etc.  The last station was the Garden Tomb here they heard the story of Jesus rising from the dead on Easter Sunday morning and as he rose brought new life.  The children were given a handful of wild flower seeds to scatter on the rough ground as a symbol of new life.  It was a great day everyone enjoyed the experience and will have got something from it.  Pray for all the children from both schools who came along today that over the Easter holidays they may reflect on the true and real meaning of Easter.

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