Monday, 8 September 2014

Church Walk

This morning Sarah and I went to do our first assembly of the new school year, it was at Church Walk School.  It was great to see all the children and staff again.  After singing Be Happy I brought out Scruff the Dog, now he wasn't at all happy with things.  He told me then I told the children that he was lonely.  I asked how could he be with all the children in front of him but he said that he felt alone when he was in the bag.  I asked the children what they thought I could do to help him - a dog treat, take him for a walk, play with him and we should never be alone as God is with us all the time were some of the answers the children gave us.  Scruff then quite happily went back into his bag with a promise of a treat later, a long walk and a play with his ball and that God is with us always.  Sarah then drew out the point that in schools we can sometimes feel a bit like Scruff particularly if we are new to the school like at Church Walk when all the new Reception class start on Tuesday - they may feel like this.  The suggestions the children gave can we applied to us to.  Sarah then asked me to summarize Matthew 25:35-45 which is a passage in which Jesus is talking about being hungry, thirsty, homeless with out clothes etc and some asks him when he had ever been like that and Jesus' reply is that whenever we do these things for others it is as if we are doing them for him.  I then said that by doing things for people at school means that we can Shine from the Inside Out. which was a cue for our song.  Sarah then finished with a short prayer.

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