Monday, 15 September 2014

Penny Bridge School

This morning Sarah and I did the assembly at Penny Bridge School, it was the first one of the year.  It did seem a little strange as it was in the morning the assembly time changed from afternoon to morning.  After saying hello and introducing ourselves to the new reception children we sang Be Happy.  As I stood in front of the new children I tried to encourage them to do the actions to the song, some did others didn't.  This led onto another introduction for the reception children - Scruff the Dog.  But as excited as the children were Scruff wasn't happy, in fact be was very sad.  I asked him what the problem was and he told me that he was a bit scared and that he felt alone.  This needed more questions about why, I found out that he had been taken to a new dog parlour and that bigger dogs were there which made him scared and he felt alone because he had to leave the other dog parlour were he had friends.  I asked the children what they thought we such do and lots of different answers came back.  Having got some good ideas I sent Scruff off with a doggie treat and Sarah talked to the children using some of their answers to explain that we should look out for each other in school and help those that are  scared of feeling alone because by doing that we share God's love.  Using the bible passage from Matthew 25:35ff I explained that Jesus talked about helping each other and showing love to one another and it is as if we do it to him.  This makes us Shine from the inside out which was a cue for a song.  After singing Shine Sarah said a prayer.  

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