Friday, 28 July 2017

Follow the Leader Holiday Club

We had a great final day today at holiday club (we still have the celebration service on Sunday)  We finished off the week with the breakfast on the beach story.  The children took home all the crafts they had made and we gave the results out of the judging for the various competitions that have been running during the week colouring, paper plate and the boat designs too.  Then a picnic and water fight to end it all.  All in all it has been a totally great week and Praise God for all those young lives that this week have heard stories about Peter from the Bible.

Thursday, 27 July 2017

Follow the Leader Holiday Club

Thursday already last day tomorrow I can hardly believe it - 
We have had another great, fab, brill day today - it was fancy dress day today so we have had loads of children dressed up in Bible character costumes and leaders joined in with the fun too.  Tomorrow we round the week off with the usual picnic and water fight at the end, then get ready for the Sunday Celebration Service 10:30 at the hall.

Wednesday, 26 July 2017

Follow the Leader Holiday Club

Had two more great days at the holiday club, loads of children there yesterday and today.  We had the story of Jesus bringing the daughter of Jairus back to life showing to us and his disciples just how powerful he is. Then today Jesus went up a mountain and glory shone out from him as be was joined by Moses and Elijah as he was transfigured.  We have been focusing in on Peter and looking at how he might have reacted to these events.  Here was Jesus showing Peter and now us that he truly is God's son.  Peter is starting to get it now but then there is tomorrow's story...

Monday, 24 July 2017

Follow the Leader Holiday Club

Had a fab first day at Holiday Club on Croftlands.  Loads of children nearly all the ones that had pre-booked came as well as a few others.  We had lots of BIG action songs with a couple of new ones thrown in to.  Great crafts to reflect the story - which was Jesus calling Peter.  High energy outside with the games and the stillness and quiet of the reflection time.  Bring on Day 2...

Thursday, 13 July 2017

Burlington School

Yesterday I did our final assembly of the year at Burlington School.  It was great to see the children.  To start I asked the year 6 children if they would like to pick the first song to sing as it was their last time with us - they picked God's love is Bigger than a Burger.  After the song I told the story of Abraham and how God called him to move from Ur to a place He would show him, I asked how the children might feel if when they got home they were told that they were going to move and a big van outside had all their things in it.  I had a few responses like happy, sad, scared... I then added what would you feel like if you were told that when you move you were just going to drive around and find somewhere - not knowing where that might be.  This was like Abraham, however God had made a promise to him that he would give him and his people and his family land to live on - even though Abraham at this time had no children God made a promise that he would.  Eventually Abraham does have a son and a large family grows from him and he does have land to live on.  His people became the Israelites and they live in Israel.  I linked back to the transition assembly and lesson we did a few weeks ago and the Jonah drama as well as the verse from Joshua 1:8 Be strong and courageous, do not be afraid for God is with you wherever you go - explaining that God has promised to be with us and as we move on in life he will go with us and help and guide us.  To finish we sang My Lighthouse. Then I closed with a prayer.

Lindal and Marton school

Yesterday I did our final assembly of the year at Lindal and Marton School.  It was great to see the children.  To start I asked the year 6 children if they would like to pick the first song to sing as it was their last time with us - they picked God's love is Bigger than a Burger.  After the song I told the story of Abraham and how God called him to move from Ur to a place He would show him, I asked how the children might feel if when they got home they were told that they were going to move and a big van outside had all their things in it.  I had a few responses like happy, sad, scared... I then added what would you feel like if you were told that when you move you were just going to drive around and find somewhere - not knowing where that might be.  This was like Abraham, however God had made a promise to him that he would give him and his people and his family land to live on - even though Abraham at this time had no children God made a promise that he would.  Eventually Abraham does have a son and a large family grows from him and he does have land to live on.  His people became the Israelites and they live in Israel.  I linked back to the transition assembly and lesson we did a few weeks ago and the Jonah drama as well as the verse from Joshua 1:8 Be strong and courageous, do not be afraid for God is with you wherever you go - explaining that God has promised to be with us and as we move on in life he will go with us and help and guide us.  To finish we sang My Lighthouse. Then I closed with a prayer.

Monday, 10 July 2017

Pennington School

This afternoon I went to Pennington School for the last time this school year.  I asked the year 6 children as it was their last assembly with us what they would like to sing, God's love is bigger than a burger before we started to sing I reminded the year 6 children that this might be the last time to sing it.  I was so pleased to see them join in with big actions as well.  After the song I told the story of Abraham and his move at God's direction to a new place and also the promises God made him there about children.  I linked back to the transition assembly and the verse from Joshua 1:8 Be strong and courageous, do not be afraid for God is with you wherever you go.  I encouraged the children with this verse to remember it as they move on and up through the school.  We finished with My Lighthouse before I closed with a prayer.

Penny Bridge Academy

This afternoon I went along to Penny Bridge Academy for the last time this school year.  I asked the year 6 children as it was their last assembly with us what they would like to sing, My Lighthouse was one suggestion and God's love is bigger than a burger was the other.  So after singing God's love I told the story of Abraham and is move at God's direction to a new place and also the promises God made him there about children.  I linked back to the transition assembly and the verse from Joshua 1:8 Be strong and courageous, do not be afraid for God is with you wherever you go.  I encouraged the children with this verse to remember it as they move on and up through the school.  We finished with My Lighthouse before I closed with a prayer.

Newton Primary School

This morning Sarah and I went over to Newton Primary School for the assembly.  We did our Jonah drama to start with it's repeating line about Nineveh... Sarah then talked about it as we looked at the verse from Joshua 1:8 Be strong and courageous, do not be afraid for God is with you wherever you go.  She talked about us moving on as children will move up the school and year 6 move on to a new school, she encouraged them that God will be with them as the move.  We then sang My Lighthouse before I closed with a short prayer.

Thursday, 6 July 2017

St Mary's Ulverston

This morning Sarah and I went to St. Marys in Ulverston for the last assembly of this school year.  We started off by singing So Many Ways to Praise the Lord before doing our Jonah drama.  We used tow boys to play the parts of Jonah and the king while Sarah narrated.  Once again the repeating line about Nineveh went down a storm and the children had a whale of a time (sorry about the puns).  Sarah finished off by encouraging all the children as they prepare to move on up the school and move on to secondary school too.  We once again used the verse Joshua 1:8 Be strong and courageous do not be afraid for God is with you wherever you go.  We finished with My Lighthouse before I closed with a prayer.

Wednesday, 5 July 2017

St Peters School

This morning Sarah and I went to do our last assembly of the school year at St Peters.  We started by singing So Many Ways to Praise the Lord.  Sarah then introduced the theme for the assembly which was Thankfulness, she then displayed a picture of something she was and is very thankful for it was a picture of Grace and Martha.  She explained a little about them to the children.  I then took over saying that I too was thankful for Grace and Martha but my picture was of some carrots, which as you can imagine brought about a laugh, I add that I was also thankful for cauliflower to which Sarah interrupted saying but Mark you don't like it!  which is true but I am thankful that some people do so I can give it to them when ever I get served it.  I did go on to talk about other food stuffs.  Sarah then displayed the last picture which was a box of tissues, she added that she is thankful for friends and family that help when times are hard and things.  Sarah then went round the hall and asked each child what they were thankful for we got some great answers like family and friends to water and food to pets and Xbox!  We reminded the children that they have so much to say thank you for even the school as some children in some parts of the world don't go to school and others have massive cityscapes to look across instead of mountains and hills.  We finished with Shine before closing with a prayer.