Friday, 29 March 2019

Our Lady's School

On Thursday morning I went to do our final assembly of this term at Our Lady's School.  I asked for three children to help me I told them one of us at the front would sit down with a bag full of sweets at the end.  However they needed to make a choice of four cards an ace, two, three or a four.  Once they had made their choice I asked if they were happy or if they wanted to swap.  They chose to keep the card they had.  I exchanged their card for a coloured disc with a number on it that matched their card.  This disc represented the colour of some bags one of which had all the sweets in.  It turns out it was my bag with all the sweets - I said to the children you made the wrong choice.  They did however get a couple of sweets.  I then told the story of the wise and foolish man that Jesus told to a large crowd of people.  I explained that Jesus often told everyday stories that had a hidden heavenly meaning we call them parables.  After the story I explained further what it means and how we should make good choices and build our lives on a solid firm foundation such as following Jesus I linked it to the song Be Happy as a line in the song says I'll follow Jesus 'til the day I drop.  So after singing the song I finished with a short prayer.

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