Tuesday, 19 March 2019

St Peters School

This morning Sarah and I went to do the assembly at St Peters School.  We didn't start with a song as I wanted to show the children and illustration, so Sarah asked who has a birthday coming up and a few hands went up so she picked three children who have birthdays this week.  I then said to them that one of us at the front will end up being very happy as they will go away with a bag of sweets. I asked the children to pick a card each had a number on it 1-4.  Once they had their card I asked if they wanted to swap it they all decided to stick with the choice they had made.  I then took out a bag that had coloured numbered disc in it and gave each children the coloured disc of their chosen card.  After this I replaced the disc with a bag - some had two sweets in but my bag had loads of sweets.  As I gave the sweets to the children I said they had made the wrong choice.  I then told the parable of the wise and foolish man which Jesus told to a large group of people.  One man the wise one build a house on solid rock while the other built on sand - well when the rain came and the storm raged the wise man's house stood firm and the foolish man's washed away.  Linking the illustration to the story I said we all have to a some point make choices some times big ones others no so big.  Sarah then explained that we should try to build our lives on a firm solid foundation and make wise choices and follow what Jesus says in the Bible.  In the song Be happy it says I'll follow Jesus 'til the day I drop which would be a wise thing to do.  After singing that song Sarah finished with a prayer.

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