Friday, 27 September 2019

NT BX Lesson 3 Low Furness School

On Thursday afternoon I was once again at Low Furness School doing two lessons of New Testament Bible Explorer.  The stories covered included more of Jesus' teachings such as the lost parables, we heard how Jesus brought Lazarus back from death and how he transformed Zacchaeus's life.  Then into the final week of Jesus' life from the entrance he made into Jerusalem and cleared the temple, the last supper and onto be betrayed, denied, beaten and crucified.  Then resurrected on what we know today as Easter Sunday.  Next week we look at the day of Pentecost and the spread of the gospel to other parts.

Coniston Primary School

On Thursday I went to do our first assembly of the new school year at Coniston Primary School.  I started by asking if anyone had done anything or been away anywhere new, then asked who had new uniform, new shoes, if they were in a new classroom with a new teacher finally asked about a new headteacher various children put up their hands to the questions and everyone did for the last question.  I pointed out that there was a key word I kept on mentioning what was it? New! came the response.  I then went on to tell the story of Zacchaeus and how he was a liar, a thief and a cheat and worked for the Romans collecting tax's.  I did explain why he worked for the Romans and what paying tax's is for.  When a crowd gathered to see Jesus as he walked through their town Zacchaeus wanted to see him but because of what he was and what he had done in over charging on the tax plus he was a very short man the crowd pushed him away.  So running on a head he climbed a tree, thinking no-one will see me - but they did - Jesus stopped at the tree and asked him to come down as he wanted to visit him and eat some food.  The gathered crowd thought this was not fair after all Zacchaeus was a liar, a thief and a cheat who worked for the Romans collecting tax's.  With Jesus now in Zacchaeus's house the crowd wanted to know what was going on they didn't need to wait long as Jesus and Zacchaeus came out and spoke to the crowd, Zacchaeus told them he would give away half of his wealth and pay back 4 times the amount he had stolen off people.  Jesus said that Zacchaeus had made a new start.  Following the story I encouraged the children to think about making a new start whenever they make a mistake, unset someone, do something wrong.  To finish with we sang So May Ways to Praise the Lord then said a prayer. 

Wednesday, 25 September 2019

St Pauls

This afternoon Sarah and I went to Barrow to do an assembly at St Pauls Junior School.  Sarah started by talking about new things and listed a few things that she likes that are new and asked if anyone had new school shoes for the start of the new term.  The talk about new things linked in with the story we had decided to do which was the Zacchaeus story.  So as I started I didn't at first tell the children who the man was in the story I simply introduced him as a liar, a thief and a cheat as well as someone who worked for the Romans - I did explain about the Romans in the time of Jesus and that Zacchaeus was a collector of tax's which I said was not a bad thing as it helps to pay for things but Zacchaeus over charged people and pocketed the rest.  So one day Jesus comes in to town and Zacchaeus wants to see him and so does the rest of the town but because of who he was and what he did and the fact that he was a very short man the crowd pushed him away.  So he ran on ahead to climb a tree, saying to himself no-one will see me up here - well he was wrong Jesus did who asked him to get down as he wanted to visit him for some food.  The crowd complained saying why does he want to eat with that man he's a liar, a thief and a cheat.  As the crowd gathered round the house Jesus came out with Zacchaeus who said sorry to them and that he was going to give away half his wealth and return money to people he had cheated.  Jesus said that this day Zacchaeus had decided to start a new.  Sarah concluded by talking about ways we can start a new when we make a mistake no matter how big or small it is.  We finished with So Many Ways to Praise the Lord before Sarah closed with a prayer. 

Lindale School

This morning Sarah and I went down to Lindale School for the assembly.  Sarah started by talking about new things such as new school shoes and uniform, new books new classroom etc.  This was linked to the story I was going to tell about a man who made a new start.  I started by saying he was a liar, a thief and a cheat and he also worked for the Romans -although I did explain that was because at the time of Jesus they were in the country, as well as all those things he was also a tax collector - again I explained about tax's and that they pay for our education, healthcare and things so paying them is good.  But this man was a liar, a thief and a cheat and he collected too much tax therefore he was a liar, a thief and a cheat (this phase came up several times).  One day Jesus was on his way into the town where Zacchaeus lived (that was his name by the way) and he wanted to see Jesus but couldn't as he was pushed away as he tried to get to the front of the crowd -oh didn't tell you he was a short man.  But Zacchaeus ran on ahead and climbed a tree thinking no-one would see him and he could see everything including Jesus but he was wrong Jesus stopped at the very tree and asked him to come down as he wanted to go to his house for some food.  This did not go down very well at all with the crowd as they didn't think that a liar, a thief and a cheat should share food with Jesus.  They all crowded round the house in hope they could hear what was being said.  Then the doors flew open there stood Jesus with Zacchaeus who announced to the waiting crowd that he was sorry and as a result was giving half his wealth away and giving back 7 times the amount of money he had stolen.  Jesus told the crowd that Zacchaeus had made a new start.  Sarah then talked to the children about how they can make a new start each day as what happened yesterday is over and we can move on.  To finish off we sang So Many Ways to Praise the Lord then Sarah finished with a prayer. 

Monday, 23 September 2019

Newton Primary School

Today I went to Newton Primary School for the assembly.  It was the first visit of the new school year, the children gave me such a warm welcome it was lovely.  As it was the first visit I asked the children about summer holidays and if they had done anything or been away somewhere new.  Lots of hands went up so I picked a few out.  I then asked about who had new school uniform and shoes and who was in a new class with a new teacher.  The point was I explained was because the story I had was about a man who had a fresh new start.  I started by saying he was a liar, a thief and a cheat a phase I as to repeat several times during the story. He also worked for the Romans - I explained why and was a tax collector - I did point out that is a good thing as today for example it helps pay for education, healthcare etc.  Anyway back to the story, Zacchaeus that was his name I said was also a very short man and went Jesus came into town people gathered to see him but because he was short and also a liar, a thief, a cheat, worked for the Romans and collected tax's he was pushed away.  So he ran on ahead and climbed a tree thinking no-one would see him in the tree - wrong Jesus saw him and asked him to come down as he wanted to eat a meal with him.  Well the crowd went mad What! they said Jesus is going to eat a meal with a liar, a cheat, a thief and someone who works for the Romans and a tax collector.  Jesus and Zacchaeus went off together into the house.  The crowd stood around perhaps wanting to see and hear what was going on in the house.  Then suddenly the doors flew open and there was Jesus with Zacchaeus who spoke and said he was sorry for what he had done and that he was going to give half of his money away to the poor and give back 7 times that which he had stolen.  Jesus told the waiting crowd that today Zacchaeus had started a new life with a fresh start.  I finished the story and explained that we can do the same as today is a new day at the start of a new week at the start of a new term of a new school year and whatever has happened before is in the past.  So to finish we sang So Many Ways to Praise the Lord before I said a short prayer.

Thursday, 19 September 2019

NT BX Lesson 2 Low Furness School

This afternoon I had the great privilege of working with the year 5 and 6 children at Low Furness school doing New Testament Bible Explorer.  I had two mixed classes during the afternoon and we started to look at the early ministry of Jesus after his baptism in the Jordan and 40 day and night in the wilderness Jesus was tempted by Satan - that was where we left off last week.  This week Jesus talks at night with Nicodemus about heaven as well as a woman from Samaria, was rejected by the people of his own town.  He then selected his 12 disciples and started to teach the people.  We saw him calm a storm, fill a crowd and get transfigured showing his glory to Peter, James and John.  That's was where we finished this week - next week Jesus heads south... to Jerusalem...

Flookburgh School

This morning I went to do the assembly down at Flookburgh School, it was the first visit of the new school year and it was great to see all the children and staff again.  I started by talking about new things and asked if anyone had done anything new over the summer - I got a few answers about places people had visited.  I then continued to ask about new things such as who had new shoes, new uniform, a new classroom and teacher as well as new exercise books.  This was leading up to me talking about a man who had a new start.  I didn't at first tell the children his name instead I introduced him as a thief, a lier and a cheat as well as someone who worked for the Romans and collected tax's - I did point out that the Romans occupied the land at that time like they did our country and that paying tax is a good thing as for example today it pays for education, healthcare etc.  Anyway back to the story Zacchaeus was the mans name I told the children.  One day Jesus was passing through the town where he lived and Zacchaeus really wanted to see him except the crowd wouldn't let him through as he was a thief, a lier and a cheat who worked for the Romans as a tax collector - he needed to be a the front as he was also a short man.  Zacchaeus ran ahead to climb a tree thinking from the tree I and see Jesus and no-one will see me - wrong Jesus could who asked him to come down as he wanted to eat with him at his house.  Well the crowd complained about this they didn't like the idea of Jesus eating at the house of a thief, a lier and a cheat who worked for the Romans collecting tax.  Later on at the house Zacchaeus came out with Jesus and announced that he was sorry for what he had done and was giving half his wealth away and repaying 7 times the amount he had cheated from people.  Jesus said that today Zacchaeus had made a fresh new start.  After the story I pointed out that we can all make a fresh new start in life at anytime, and at the start of a new day, new term, new year in school all that has gone before is in the past and we can do like Zacchaeus and start again.  We sang So Many Ways to Praise the Lord to finish with then I closed with a prayer.

Wednesday, 18 September 2019

Broughton School

This morning Sarah and I went over to Broughton School.  It was our first visit of the new school year so it was good to see all the children and staff again as well as the new Reception class.  Sarah started by talking about things that are new and asked if anyone had done anything new over the summer, she then asked if anyone had new school shoes - someone said everything they had was new.  This linked into our talk, as Sarah introduce it as a man who made a new start.  I then told the story of Zacchaeus except I introduced him not as Zacchaeus but as a lier, cheat and a thief who also worked for the Romans and was a tax collector.  I explained why he worked for the Romans and that being a tax collector wasn't a bad thing as it helps to pay for things like today, education, healthcare etc. Anyway back to the story.  Zacchaeus charged people far more tax than he should have and he pocketed the reset.  As a result of what he did people didn't like Zacchaeus so when Jesus came into his town one day on his way somewhere else Zacchaeus wanted to see him - so did everyone else but as he was a rather short man he couldn't get to the front of the crowd as people pushed him out the way because of who he was.  He decided to climb a tree at the end of the road Jesus was waling down that way he could see Jesus and the leaves meant no-one could see him - wrong Jesus could and asked him to come down, as he wanted to eat a meal with him.  What! the crowd exclaimed Jesus is going to eat with him....Why? After the meal Zacchaeus along with Jesus spoke to the crowd, Zacchaeus said he was giving half he owned to the poor and would pay back 7 times the amount he had cheat people.  Jesus said that today Zacchaeus was a changed man he had made a new start.  Sarah then continued to talk about making new starts before we sang So Many Ways to Praise the Lord.  We finished with a prayer.

Tuesday, 17 September 2019

Croftlands Infant School

This morning Sarah and I went to do the assembly at Croftlands Infant School.  It was our first visit there since before the summer holidays, it was good to see all the children and staff again.  Sarah started by asking if the children had enjoyed summer and if anyone had done anything new - a few children responded with things like places they had been on holiday.  This linked into the assembly as I was going to tell the story of Zacchaeus and about how he made a new start.  I went through the various points of the story, stopping to explain things as I went along and getting some laughs as well.  Sarah then explained that at the start of a new school year everyone is starting a fresh with things and if like Zacchaeus we have done things wrong doing as he did and saying sorry then we too can move on and start again. We sang So Many Ways to Praise the Lord before saying a prayer to finish.

Monday, 16 September 2019

Croftlands Junior School

This morning Sarah and I went to do the assembly at Croftlands Junior School.  It was our first visit of the new school year so Sarah started by asking the children if they had had a good summer and if they had tried anything new - a few children offered answers.  She then explained that I was going to tell a story about a man who had a new experience.  I then told the story of Zacchaeus and how he was a cheat, lier and thief and that he worked for the Romans as a tax collector - I did point out that the Romans were looking after the land at the time and that being a collector of taxes is not a bad thing as they help to provide things like today our education, healthcare etc.  What made things bad was that Zacchaeus charged too much tax and pocketed the difference.  This made him very unpopular with the people of his town so when Jesus was passing through the town one day Zacchaeus couldn't get to see him as he was a short man the crowd won't let him through.  Climbing a tree thought Zacchaeus would mean I can see everything but no-one can see me - wrong Jesus saw him and asked him to come down as he was wanting to stay at his house for some food.   The crowd didn't like this idea at all and no doubt complained about it - Jesus eating food with someone that has done so many bad things.  As they gathered round the house Zacchaeus came out with Jesus and said sorry to them for what he had done and that he was going to give half of his wealth away to the poor and return 7 times the amount of money he had wrongly taken from people. Jesus announced to the waiting crowd that Zacchaeus was a changed man.  Sarah picked up on this idea and talked about how we can all have a new start in life and at the start of a new school year it is a good time to do so.  We then sang So Many Ways to Praise the Lord and Sarah closed with a prayer.

Thursday, 12 September 2019

BX NT Low Furness School

This afternoon I have been at Low Furness School working with the year 5 and year 6 class's doing New Testament Bible Explorer.  We covered the birth and early life of Jesus, having explained about what the Bible is and how it is made up that is one book of 66 different books split new and old testaments.  Along the way I taught the children the key words and hand signs.  Next week we start to look at the start of Jesus' ministry.

Wednesday, 11 September 2019

Burlington School

This morning Sarah and I went to do the assembly at Burlington School.  It was so nice to see the children and staff again following the summer holidays.  Sarah started by talking about new things- new school year, new term, new books, new shoes etc. before handing over to me to tell a story.  I started by saying the story was about a man who is a cheat, thief and a lier and also someone who worked for the Romans - I did explain that the Romans during the time of Jesus were in charge of the whole land and this man collected the taxes - I also explained that paying taxes is not bad as it provides things like education, healthcare etc for us.  Anyway this man I continued who's name was Zacchaeus was not well liked because he charge people too much tax.  Jesus was passing through his town and Zacchaeus really wanted to see him but because of what he did and also he was not very tall the crowd wouldn't let him through.  I talked also about being in large crowds and getting pushed about as well.  So Zacchaeus climbed a tree at the end of the road thinking no-one would see him - wrong Jesus spotted him and asked him to come down as he wanted to eat a meal with him.  The crowd didn't like that idea one bit I said and started to complain, so as they gathered by the house to see/hear what was going on Jesus came out with Zacchaeus who announced that he was sorry and that he would give away half his wealth and give back money he had cheated people out off.  Jesus said that he had made a new start.  Sarah continued this theme talking about how we can make a new start at the beginning of the new school year.  To finish off we sang So Many Ways to Praise the Lord then Sarah said a short prayer.

Tuesday, 10 September 2019

Crosthwaite School

This afternoon Sarah and I travelled over to Crosthwaite School for our first assembly with them this new school year.  We decided to talk about new starts, so Sarah talked as way of introduction about new things - shoes, books, uniform, classroom, teachers etc. before I took up the story.  I explained our story today had a man in it that was a cheat, a thief and a lier and also he worked for the Romans - I did have to explain that during Jesus' time in his country the Romans were in charge.  So this man worked for the Romans collecting taxes - I also needed to explain that collecting taxes is not something bad because today the money is used for health, education etc. but in Jesus' day this man cheated people by charging them more money so if he was meant to collect two coins say he collected four giving two to the Romans and keeping the other two.  His name was Zacchaeus I said and on this particular day Jesus was visiting his town and he wanted to see Jesus.  The thing was he was not well liked by people and he was not a very tall man so trying to push through to the front of the crowd was no use. Zacchaeus ran ahead and climbed a tree thinking the leaves would hide him from view - yes but not from Jesus who went straight up to the tree and asked him to come on down.  Jesus went with Zacchaeus into his house and had tea much to the disgust of the on looking crowd.  A little later they came out and Zacchaeus announced to the crowd that he was sorry and he was giving half his money away and giving back 7 times what he had stolen from people.  Jesus said that Zacchaeus was a new man.  Sarah then linked this to a fresh start like we have at the start of the new school year and what has gone before is in the past.  We then sang So Many Ways to Praise the Lord before finishing with a prayer.

Low Furness School

This morning Sarah and I went to do our first assembly of the new school year at Low Furness School.  It was lovely to back with the children and the staff in the school and to see all the new Reception children.  We started with So Many Ways to Praise the Lord before introducing the theme for the assembly which was respect in the Bible.  To do this we showed a clip from Finding Nemo - it features Nemo and his friends as they venture out into open water, Nemo's day tries to stop him but he continues out and touches a boat going against what his dad tells him to do.  I used this to talk about respect and linked into the 10 Commandments and in particular the one that talks about respecting your father and mother.  I expanded the verse to include anyone who is older than us and who is in authority.  Sarah also brought in that we should respect each other as well.  We then sang Shine before Sarah closed with a prayer. 

Monday, 9 September 2019

Penny Bridge Academy

This afternoon Sarah and I went to do our first assembly at Penny Bridge Academy for the new school year.  It was lovely to see all the children again especially the new Reception class.  Sarah talked to start off about new things, like new shoes, new exercise books, new classrooms, new things in the class room.  This led on to me talking about Zacchaeus and how he had a new start in life.  I told the story without at first telling the children who I was talking about, I introduced him by saying he was a cheat, thief, lier and someone who worked for the Romans.  I did explain what that meant during the time of Jesus - I also explained that paying taxes is a good thing - providing we pay the right amount which today helps to pay for schools, health care etc.  Back to the story and the point.  Zacchaeus would charge people say twice as much tax as he should have and kept the rest for himself.  But one day Jesus was passing through his town and he really wanted to see him, now a large crowd had gathered in the town people who also wanted to see Jesus - I asked if the children had ever been in a large crowd and tried to see someone famous. Zacchaeus by now I had told the children his name had two problems one was what he had done and the other was he was not very tall both things prevented him from seeing Jesus why because he needed to be at the front but the crowd won't let him through because of what he had done.  So he ran on a head and climbed up a tree with loads of branches to cover him he could see Jesus and people couldn't see him....Wrong! Jesus walked straight up to the tree and asked him to come down - What! the crowd all asked - Jesus is going for tea to that man's house...Anyway something happened that day as sometime latter Jesus came out with Zacchaeus who announced that he was going to pay back 7 times the money he had cheated from people and give half his wealth to the poor.  Jesus replied that salvation had come to the house today.  Zacchaeus had made a fresh new start.  Sarah concluded the assembly by summing up what that can mean to everyone at the start of a new school year.  We then sang So Many Ways to Praise the Lord before Sarah closed with a prayer.

Church Walk Primary School

This morning Sarah and I went to do our first assembly of the new school year, at Church Walk Primary School.  It was great to see all the children again and to welcome the new starters too.  Sarah started the assembly by talking about new things, like the new children, new shoes and clothes, new school books and even the new floor in the hall!  This led into a story about a man that had a new start.  I started to talk about a cheat, lier and a person that worked for the Romans collecting taxes.  I did explain that during the time of Jesus the Romans were in charge of the country and people were asked to collect the taxes - paying tax is good I said as it helps to provide us today with schools, healthcare etc (didn't want the children getting the wrong idea) But the man in the story I continued was taking way too much money of the people like he was asked to collect two coins - he'd collect four and keep two for himself for example. So when Jesus came to town as usual people were excited to see him.  I asked if the children had ever been in a large crowd waiting to see someone famous - some had.  But the think was I continued Zacchaeus - oh that was his name by the way I said was a very short man and couldn't see because of the crowd but they probably won't let him through any how.  So he ran ahead down the road to climb a tree, thinking the leaves would hide him - but no Jesus walked straight up to the tree and asked him to come down as he was going to go to his house for tea.  The crowd thought this was not on as they hadn't done the things Zacchaeus had done and Jesus wasn't going to their homes.  After sometime Jesus and Zacchaeus came out and a change had happened because Zacchaeus had decided to  make a fresh start by giving loads of money to the poor and paying back the money he had cheated from people.  Sarah finished off the assembly by explaining that we all have a chance to make a new start or a fresh start and as the new school term begins it is a chance for everyone to do that.  To finish off we sang God can do Anything - as nothing is too big or too small for God to do.  Sarah finished with a prayer.