Tuesday, 17 September 2019

Croftlands Infant School

This morning Sarah and I went to do the assembly at Croftlands Infant School.  It was our first visit there since before the summer holidays, it was good to see all the children and staff again.  Sarah started by asking if the children had enjoyed summer and if anyone had done anything new - a few children responded with things like places they had been on holiday.  This linked into the assembly as I was going to tell the story of Zacchaeus and about how he made a new start.  I went through the various points of the story, stopping to explain things as I went along and getting some laughs as well.  Sarah then explained that at the start of a new school year everyone is starting a fresh with things and if like Zacchaeus we have done things wrong doing as he did and saying sorry then we too can move on and start again. We sang So Many Ways to Praise the Lord before saying a prayer to finish.

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