Friday, 4 October 2019

Leven Valley School

On Thursday morning I went down to do the assembly at Leven Valley School.  As it was the first visit of the new school year I asked if the children had had a good summer holiday, then I went on to ask if anyone had done anything new over the summer - I had someone who went to a water park and other one had been to Spain and someone went on an aeroplane for the first time.  I then continued by asking about new things at school before asking what the key word was that I kept on using - it was new of course.  I then explained that I was going to tell a story from the New Testament about a man who made a new start following his meeting with Jesus.  The man had been a liar, a thief and a cheat before he met Jesus but afterwards his life was changed - it was of course Zacchaeus.  I went on to say that we too can make a new start if we ever do anything wrong we just have to say sorry and then we can turn over a new leaf like the page of an exercise book.  To finish we sang So Many Ways to Praise the Lord, then I said a prayer.

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