Friday, 11 October 2019

NT BX Low Furness School

On Thursday afternoon I was once again at Low Furness School working with the year 5 and year 6 classes doing New Testament Bible Explorer.  It was the last lessons of the series which focused on the work of Paul and the spread of the gospel message across Asia and into Europe and finished with Paul in Rome.  I covered each of the missionary journeys Paul went on (briefly we could spend weeks on them otherwise) and some of the main events that happened like his imprisonment in Philippi and the ship wreck on his way to Rome.  I explained that the events are all recorded in Acts and that it doesn't say what happened to Paul in the end but history records that he died in prison.  But what he had done in his life time in taking the gospel message to the gentiles has had a lasting impact on the world, so much so that about 300 years after the events Rome made Christianity it's main religion and that is why we know about it here today.

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