Tuesday, 17 April 2012

Crosthwaite School

Today we took Gary to Crosthwaite School for his first visit. Sarah needed to tell the children or should I say warn the children about Gary, his voice, his colour and his hair as well as the football team he supports. Anyway the children shouted him and he was warmly welcomed by all. Sarah started to tell the story from the MSBBBS or Mark and Sarah's Big Book of Bible Stories (which is a new idea for telling of bible stories) it was the story of Jesus healing the blind man but on the Sabbath. Gary added his own lines when ever Sarah said certain lines as follows Sarah said Then Jesus spat on the floor Gary (p-tooey) Sarah He made a little mud (ooey gooey) Sarah He rubbed it on my eyes (health and safety!) And now I can see (halalooey!) Cause he’s the light of the world. Each time Gary said P-Tooey the little reception children thought he was really spitting. It finished with the children prompted by Gary that is to repeat the lines again just so he (Gary) could do the actions again. Sarah went on to explain that in the Bible there are lots of stories like this one. She also explained what a great miracle it was because Jesus was able to heal the man who had never been able to see at all. She encouraged the children to look around the school and the countryside and thank God for what they could see. Because we had taken Gary and his house there was not any space for the video projector and computer so we sang some songs that we had sung before - Great Big God to start and as requested by a pupil Shine. I closed the assembly with a prayer.

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