Sunday, 29 July 2012
Closing Ceremony On Your Marks
This morning we finished off our On Your Marks Holiday Club with the Closing Ceremony and family service. It was standing room only at the back as the hall was packed out. There was a number of families in brought along by the children we have had contact with during the week. We displayed photos of the children taking part in the various events across the week. We sang some of the songs that have been popular during the week - but due to the amount of people and I have to say much to the disappointment of the children we didn't sing the Chicken Dance song. It was a fitting end to what has been a great week. We have loved having the children with us and as parents were leaving we had enquirers about next years holiday club. Our prayer is that the children will sit back and reflect on the things they have heard and in time decide to join team JC.
Saturday, 28 July 2012
Urswick Church Fun Day
This afternoon we have been over to Gleaston Green where Urswick Church held their fun day. The day was good as people turned out to enjoy the free entertainment and food that was provided. I managed to do two shows both of which were with very small children. I was also able to tell a bit of a gospel message to the children and gathered adults so hopefully some seeds were sown as well.
Friday, 27 July 2012
Holiday Club Day 5 Sticking to the Team
Today marked the last day of our holiday club with just the children, we have the family service on Sunday which is the closing Ceremony. We have had about 82 children again today. The story today was about the sower and how the seed fell onto four soil types. Now the seed was good seed and the sower was a good person it wasn't the fault of either that the seed fell onto bad soil. We know that the sower is Jesus and that the seed is the word - there are people that simply don't accept the word like the seed on the path, get there are those who at first accept it but have no real root the seed on the rocky ground, yet there are those that hear it and follow it but get caught up in worldly things like the thorny ground and there are those who hear and accept it whole heartedly and they in turn produce fruit. In a very simple way using the video we tried to put this message across to the children. The morning was finished off with a picnic and then our usual water fight. We have had a great week this week and I think the children have too.
Thursday, 26 July 2012
Holiday Club Day 4 Challenging the Team
We had another good number at holiday club today around 90 children again. Today they looked at the story of Jesus walking on the water and Peter stepping out of the boat to meet him. The disciples were in a little trouble and Jesus could see this despite the fact that it was dark and that he was on the shore. He went out walking on the water to meet with them - but they didn't recognise him. The disciples were afraid yet Jesus was very close to them. We encouraged the children to reach out to Jesus whenever they feel frightened and afraid or lonely. Jesus is there. Peter did believe Jesus was there and so boldly asked if he could step out to Jesus and he said come - but when Peter realised what he was doing and took his eyes of Jesus he started to sink. And that is true for us today if we lose focus and take our eyes of Jesus we will sink. The other disciples were all in the boat which was still being tossed about by the waves but when Jesus got into it everything when peaceful, showing us that when Jesus comes into a situation we find peace. Last day tomorrow then the picnic and then the water fight.
Wednesday, 25 July 2012
Holiday Club Day 3 Inspiring the team
Today at holiday club we have heard about the time when Jesus was transformed in front of his closest followers. Following this Peter realised perhaps for the first time who Jesus was. We had a great time again this morning with 87 children slightly lower than yesterday but the North Lonsdale Show is on today and some went to that. However in the 87 we did have some new children as well which is just great. The competition for today was to come in an international hat. We had some very good designs with a lot of hard work going into them. Tomorrow is the fancy dress day when the children have been encouraged to come dressed as a sport - should be interesting.
Tuesday, 24 July 2012
Holiday Club Day 2 Shaping the Team
Had another great time at Holiday Club today. We had 90 children this morning which is 6 up on yesterday - however we did have 8 new ones too! Today the children heard the story of Bart, or Blind Bart, better know as Blind Bartimaeus. He was a man born blind and reduced to begging what ever he could to eat. Jesus came by and well Bart called out to him but the crowd shut him up so he shouted louder and this time Jesus heard and the crowd moved aside and Jesus stood next to him. Now Bart could have asked him for money or something but Bart knew who Jesus was and yes Jesus knew who he was too. Jesus would have know what Bart wanted before he even opened his mouth. But Jesus asked what he wanted and Bart said - to see. Go said Jesus your faith has healed you. This is just one of the ways that we read about in the gospels of how Jesus shaped his team then as is still shaping us today. Our prayer is for all the children we have had contact with so far this week that the seeds that have been sown will start to take root and start to sprout.
Monday, 23 July 2012
Holiday Club Day 1 Making the Team
Day 1 of Holiday Club has gone very well. We had over 80 children today. We sang songs with our live band, saw Gary as well as Captain Ketchup, we had a story about Jesus selecting his team of followers. Children have also played games and done crafts and taken home worksheets to colour as well. I feel that every one had a great time and we are all set for another fun filled action packed day tomorrow. We Praise God for the children we have had contact with today and pray that the seeds that have been sown today will take root and start to bud - to God be the Glory.
Saturday, 21 July 2012
Tottlebank Baptist Church Fun DAy
Had a lovely afternoon over at Tottlebank Baptist Church. There wasn't a huge crowd of people but that didn't matter Bertie entertained the crowd in between the band playing tunes. Did a few regular tricks and a few gospel ones too. Then over a cup of coffee later I was able to witness to a few people as we sat and chatted. I did manage to do a few more tricks to Phil and Hazel's grandchildren as the event came to a close. It was good to be out and about in the sunshine, doing the Lord's work.
Thursday, 19 July 2012
Ulverston Infants Church Walk Picnic
Yesterday afternoon I was in the playground of Church Walk entertaining the children during their end of term picnic. I managed to do two shows during the afternoon and entertained the children with some secular as well as Christian routines. I also managed between shows to do a little bit of walk about too.
Sacred Heart RC School Barrow
This blog is a little old now. However yesterday we went through to Barrow to first of all work with year 3 singing some songs and telling a story which we later performed to the KS1 children in an assembly. We had about an hour to 'entertain' so following the story I did some magic for the children as a bit of a treat. I have to say they loved it. When the children went out to play we then set up in the hall ready to take the assembly. Now year 3 are not normally in the KS1 assembly so we made sure that everyone that wanted to take part was able to do so. We started with Giants of Faith, then using my year 3 actors I told the story of the Good Samaritan, but a modern day version of it. My story has a few more people in it, it has a police person, a nurse and a pop star. The good Samaritan is played by a hoodie. Sarah talked to the children about what it is to be a good Samaritan and about how we should always help people. Then we sang Shine and finished with a prayer. We did then manage to sneak in a quick Inright Outright as well.
Tuesday, 17 July 2012
Low Furness School
For the assembly this morning the title was again Move On so I took along the Waloo Waloo Egg… page 31 had a leavers assembly in it. It was about a man that went for a walk. He collected all his things like his boots and socks, rain coat, walking stick, hat etc and his flask of soup. He set off up a rather large hill which had great views he sat down for his soup lunch but then the fog came and the man got rather lost. At this point I asked the children what the man should do and got some interesting answers. So the man tried to carry on then he found a sign post with signs like where you are going to, where you have come from, somewhere else and another place. But the signs was on the ground and the man didn't know which way to turn. I then pointed out that we can sometimes find that - we don't know where we are going, so whenever that happens we should look to see where we came from. And as the year 6 leave to go off to new schools they may look back at the time in school as they look forward to a new experience. As a special treat at the end we did the chicken dance.
Monday, 16 July 2012
Penny Bridge School
This afternoon Sarah and I went to Penny Bridge School to take our final assembly there for this current school year. We sang Be Happy to start then I told my Move On story which I have told to nearly all the schools during the past month. Sarah completed the talk by talking to the children about there Move On to other classes and to new schools. She pointed out that like the Israelites in my story there will be times when the children feel unsure of something but they can be assured that God is with them no matter what. Following this we sang Shine and said a prayer.
Broughton School
This morning we went over to Broughton to take the assembly. The year 5 and 6 group were not in but the rest of the school was. Following the singing of Be Happy I told the Move On story like we have to most of our schools this past month. Sarah then went on to complete the assembly by talking about how we all move on in life and that over the summer children from the school will move on - some to secondary school and others will Move On up the school. Following this we sang Shine and finished with a prayer.
Thursday, 12 July 2012
Leven Valley School
Today's assembly at Leven Valley School was special because we had decided to do the Move On assembly we have done several times over the last few days and today at the school it was their move on day. All the children had moved up a class. To start we sang Great Big God then I started to tell the story. It starts with Abraham and ends with Moses and between the two I cover about 600years of history in about 30 seconds. God's promise to Abraham, Joseph and then Moses and how God wanted them to Move On out of Egypt where they had become slaves to a new promised land. A land that God had promised to Abraham back in the day. The people came across things that got in the way of them moving on but God found a way round them and they eventually arrived in the land. Sarah used the story to talk about the children moving on to new classrooms and teachers and even new schools. She encouraged them to seek for help whenever they feel a bit lost and to ask God for help too. We finished with Shine and then a prayer.
Windermere Juniors
Today we went for our last visit of the year to Windermere Juniors. It was the last for other reasons to as the head is moving on after the summer as well. Following a slight technical problem we sang Great Big God then I went on to talk about Abraham and his family and how God had promised him many children and grandchildren etc. Abraham could have Stayed Still but God wanted him to Move On and take hold of a special land. So after they Stayed Still in Egypt for 400 years God through Moses told them to Move On. And Move they did only to hit the Red Sea but God Moved the On by opening the sea. They stopped again and couldn't Move On as they had no water - God provided that too as well as food both morning and evening. Then after 40 years of Moving On God brought them to the promised land and so at last hundreds of years after Abraham his family had Moved In to a new land. Sarah then picked up on the Move On point and talked about us when we move on like when we get to year 6. But every year group moves on and at times things might be hard and we might not think we can move on but God will be there for us as he was with Abraham's family as they moved on. As it was the last assembly we did the Chicken Dance to finish.
Wednesday, 11 July 2012
Lesson 5 BX at Pennington
Had a great final lesson with year 5 this afternoon at Pennington. Today's set of stories are some of my favourite ones particularly the Esther one. The children also find it quite funny as I walk round the room as Haman and get them to 'bow down'. Then when the part comes were he has to lead Mordecai round the streets, the children laugh as I hold the person playing Mordecai by the hand, get on my knees and walk around the room. Also when Esther asks for her life from the king and she points to Haman and he pleads with the queen but falls onto her (not that I fall on anyone). They can almost see what happens next which is great. So had a great time with the children, at the end I presented all of them with their certificate then was asked if I was going again next week. Bible Explorer is such fun to do and I feel that children get so much out of it too. I can't wait for September when I'll be doing it all again in 2 different schools. Also I think it is time I looked into being trained for the New Testament.
St Peters
It was our last journey of the year over to St Peters today. We decided to allow the year 6 class that would be leaving to pick the songs and they said Shine and asked what the Chicken Dance was. So as a special treat we said we would sing it at the end. So following our first song I started to tell our Move On story. As at other schools the children listened as I very quickly went through a little bit of history from Abraham to Joseph and then into Moses. I used pictures that I had added words to and use the words Move On a number of times during the story. As we read in the Bible the Israelites out in the desert did get stopped from time to time and felt that they couldn't Move On particularly by the banks of the Red Sea, and when the found they had no water to drink our food to eat. Yet each time God provided the answer, which enabled them to Move On into the land God had promised to Abraham. Sarah then talked to the children about their moving on - some to a new school like the year 6 and others moving on up the school to new classrooms and even new teachers. She encouraged them to ask and seek help whenever they felt they needed to and told them that when they came across a new situation that they really were unsure about they could ask God for help. At the end the children found a space on the floor as we sang the Chicken Dance song followed by a prayer from me and the Lord's Prayer from Sarah.
Tuesday, 10 July 2012
Croftlands Infants
We went to Croftlands Infants today, it was the last time for this year. We started by singing Be Happy I then told a story with pictures about Moving On. As it was a story that needed pictures we took the projector along with us so the children could see the pictures better. I used Abraham, Joseph and Moses to explain that sometimes in life we Stay Still but at other times we need to Move On. The Israelites had for example Stayed Still in Egypt for 400 years and were then slaves but God through Moses told them to Move On. But as they did they found things in the way so they couldn't Move On like the Red Sea, or the lack of water and food. They could have Stayed Still but God needed them to Move On and so found a way round the problems or through them in the case of the Red Sea. Sarah then encouraged the children as they Move On to ask and seek answers as they Move On into new classes even new classrooms with new teachers and I also encouraged them to pray to God for help if ever they felt things were getting a bit too much. We finished with Shine before saying a prayer.
Croftlands Juniors
I went to Croftlands Juniors today. It was the last time for this year so it would be the last chance to see year 6. After singing Be Happy I then told a story with pictures about Moving On. I used Abraham, Joseph and Moses to explain that sometimes in life we Stay Still but at other times we need to Move On. The Israelites had for example Stayed Still in Egypt for 400 years and were then slaves but God through Moses told them to Move On. But as they did they found things in the way so they couldn't Move On like the Red Sea, or the lack of water and food. They could have Stayed Still but God needed them to Move On and so found a way round the problems or through them in the case of the Red Sea. I then encouraged the children as they Move On to ask and seek answers as they Move On into new classes even new classrooms with new teachers and I also encouraged them to pray to God for help if ever they felt things were getting a bit too much. I finished with Shine before saying a prayer.
Sunday, 8 July 2012
Messy Church Picnic
This afternoon Sarah and I along with the family went over to Heversham at the invitation of Colin Honour to help celebrate their Church's Messy Church first birthday. We had a great time. It started with a wonderful welcome from the events host Linda, it felt as if we were old friends had come round for the afternoon. We set up in the garden looking out across the bay and then people started to arrive at around 4pm. At about half past I did a short magic show with a mix of secular type tricks for the children moving towards some gospel routines which I involved the adults with. This was followed by tea then it did start to rain a bit so plastic sheets came out to cover the electric equipment then at around 5:20 we did a sketch with Gary which the children thought was funny. We did the one about what is in the Bible and Sarah explains to Gary that he should read it and not stand on it as he was at the time. I followed this up with a very quick gospel routine about our sins being taken away and finished with the 4 points. All in all it was a good day and very enjoyable too.
Thursday, 5 July 2012
Our Lady's Dalton
This morning Sarah and I went to Our Lady's in Dalton to take our final assembly of this year. We decided to do the assembly that I did on Tuesday at Low Furness. I started with a picture of Abraham and told a little of his story before moving through to Moses and God calling him to Move On. Despite the fact that the Israelites had Stayed Still for a very long time it was now time for their next stage. The people Move On into the desert but face hard times and they feel they have to Stay Still but God always has a way for us to Move On and he provided them with safe passage through the Red Sea, fed them in the desert both morning and night as well as watered them. He was their guide through all the hard times they faced. Until at last they got to that promised land. Sarah then related this to the children who each year Move On some to a new class, with a new teacher, in a new room and some to a new school altogether. She encouraged the children when they do move to ask for help when they meet a difficult situation and even to pray to God when they feel a little worried. We sang Be Happy to start then finished with Shine before a prayer.
Wednesday, 4 July 2012
Lesson 4 BX Pennington School
This afternoon I was at Pennington School again with the year 5 class. It was lesson 4 of Bible Explorer. The story focused on Samuel, Saul, David and Solomon. The children as always were keen to help in what every way they could. Again as the lesson drew to a close and we did the final 8 hand signs of North - South , Israel - Judah, 19 - 20, 0 - 8 The children's faces dropped as I told them that I finish the story next week. This week too I had lots of children helping me to set up the props and as they did they asked questions too which was great to see and I was only too glad to answer them. One boy fell off his chair right at the start of the lesson - I told him that someone in today's lesson did just that very thing. Great lesson, great children to God be the Praise for the freedom we have to share his Word.
Tuesday, 3 July 2012
Low Furness School
I took the assembly on my own today at Low Furness. The theme we had been given was Move On. There are lots of things that I could have talked about but I decided to talk about the Israelite people. First I mentioned Abraham and how he had been promised lots of children and a land. Then I said a little about Joseph and then how 400 years later they were slaves. Then came Moses and God spoke to him and told him it was time to Move On. I focused on a few bits of the story like when they got stopped by the Red See but God wanted them to Move On so he opened the sea up for them. I Talked about the lack of food and water which could have stopped them but because God wanted them to Move On be provided for them. Then they came into the land after 40 years of moving and getting ready. Once they were there they had Moved On. I used some pictures from a children's bible to illustrate the story. I linked it to the children by saying that in school we need to Move On. Each year moves on to the next, and like Moses and the people we too face new challenges as well as seeing new opportunities. So I encouraged the children as they Move On this summer to not be afraid of a new classroom or teacher but to seek help from others around them and to also pray to Jesus too whenever they feel in need of a little more help. Before we started we sang Giants of Faith then at the end Be Happy. I concluded with a prayer.
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