Sunday 24 March 2013

St Peters - Palm Sunday assembly

On Wednesday 20th March Mark went on a school trip with our daughters school so that left me all alone to do an assembly.  A bit daunting!  I asked my dad if he'd care to accompany me and he jumped at the chance (phew!!).  As this was the Wednesday before Palm Sunday that was to be our theme.  I declared we were going to crown a child king or queen of St Peters.  After picking two volunteers I asked them general questions about todays monarchy.  The winner was crowned King of St Peters with a crown, royal robes and a plush throne.  I then went on to tell the story of Jesus' triumphant entry to Jerusalem.  An ordinary, servant hearted man of the people who didn't need a crown (took crown off childs head) who didn't need fine robes (took robe off) and didn't have a plush throne (child stood up and we removed throne).  The peopled shouted and cheered 'Hosanna, Hosanna' declaring Jesus as King of Kings!  I went on to explain this was because of all the wonderful things Jesus had done. We sang 'So many ways' as it talks about praising Jesus King of Kings.  Dad then prayed a blessing on the school and its staff and children and we finished with The Lords Prayer.

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