Saturday, 19 October 2013

Haverigg Primary School Samaritan's Purse Assembly

Sarah and I went over towards Millom yesterday to do an assembly for Samaritan's Purse at Haverigg Primary School.  It was our first ever visit to the school.  We had a wonderful warm welcome from both the staff and the pupils.  There was a great buzz about the school and a friendly atmosphere.  The head opened up the assembly with some awards to pupils of the week in each year as well as giving out cake to children with birthdays.  We were introduced to the children as Mr and Mrs Callaghan.  I introduced us to the children as Mark and Sarah.  To start we sang God's Love is Bigger than a Burger.  Then Sarah talked about Christmas by asking the children if they knew how many days to Christmas Day including today.  She also talked about Christmas present lists and asked a few children what was on theirs.  This led to talking about children in our world that don't get any presents at Christmas or birthday's.  Sarah asked the children how they would feel if they had never, ever got a present - sad, upset, unhappy came the responses.  She handed over to me to talk about Operation Christmas Child and how they could make a difference by packing goodies in a shoe box.  I told the children what they can and can't put in a box and showed them examples.  Then I talked about the cost of sending a box to a far of place and how the £3 would help to send their boxes this year.  We then watched the Love in a Box video clip.  After the clip had finished I read the chorus out to the children again and explained that last year 1 million boxes were sent from our country.  I also asked who would love to get involved this year and most hands went up.  Sarah then said a prayer as we ended the assembly.  At the end the head asked us to play the video clip again as the children left the hall, and some of the year 6 children came up to us and thanked us for the assembly a couple even shook our hands.

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