Tuesday, 14 April 2015

Crosthwaite School

This afternoon Sarah and I went to do the assembly at Crosthwaite School.  As it was the first one after Easter we decided to give the Easter theme going a little longer so did an assembly based on forgiveness.  To start the assembly off one of the children signs and says a prayer from the front which is great to see.  We then sang Inright Outright, Sarah then told a made up story about two boys who played with each others toys but the boys fell out when one toy was broken by the other boy so in return the other boy broke his toy.  This resulted in a big falling out.  After a few days the boys were feeling very upset and lonely.  Now the toys had been fixed or replaced however they needed to make up.  It was decided that one of the boys would go to say sorry and as he was doing so the other boy had decided the same and arrived at his house - all was now well they had forgiven each other.  Sarah asked if we had ever been in a similar situation were we had been hurt or we had hurt someone else.   I then displayed a phrase which said 'Forgiving helps friends to be friendly again.  Forgiving others makes us happier'  this linked with Ephesians 4:32 which says We should learn to forgive.  I reminded the children about Peter on the day Jesus was arrested and how he denied Jesus three times even though Jesus said he would do it and Peter said he would not - Peter did.  Then after Jesus had died, was buried and rose again he visited Peter and the other disciples by the side of Lake Galilee and Jesus asked Peter three times if he love him - this in a way cancelled out Peters actions of denying Jesus.  After this I displayed the Lords Prayer and Sarah pointed out the part that says forgive us as we forgive others, this was the prayer that Jesus taught his disciples and us and when ever we say it we should remember that Jesus died for us. To close we sang Shine then Sarah lead them in saying the Lords Prayer followed by a prayer for the school.

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