Tuesday, 28 April 2015

Low Furness School

This morning I was at Low Furness School doing the assembly.  The theme was St Mark.  I started the assembly by singing God's love is bigger than a burger. Then I introduced the theme.  I read an account from Marks Gospel of an event that took place during the arrest of Jesus.  It involved a young man who ran away scared however he left his clothes behind!  which brought a laugh from the children.  I asked the children why they thought he ran away - they said he was frightened, scared of being arrested too.  I then asked if they thought this young man was brave - no! came back the answer.  I then explained that following the coming of the Holy Spirit many people went out telling others about Jesus and one person was a man called Paul.  He travelled far and wide spreading the message of Christianity and on his travels a not so young man went with him - Mark.  I then read an account from the letter Paul wrote to the church at Corinth when he detailed some of his sufferings explaining that if Mark was with him then he too might have been a great comfort to Paul and instead of being a scared person he was brave.  I encouraged the children to follow Mark's example saying that when I was at their age I would never of thought that I would be able to stand up in front of people and talk to them but God can do anything and through him we can do all kinds of things.  This was a cue for a song - God can do anything.  following the song I close with a prayer. 

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