Wednesday, 29 April 2015

St Peters

This morning I was at St Peters for the assembly.  I decided to do the same assembly that I had done on St Mark.  I explained to the children that it is good to look at people like the saints and other famous Christian people and tell their story.  So after singing God's love is bigger than a burger, I read a short passage from Mark about a 17 year old boy running away following the arrest of Jesus - this boy is believed to be Mark - who also has been know as John Mark.  I asked the children why they thought he had run away and a few answers came back like he was afraid, scared, frightened of being arrested too.  I then asked if they thought he was brave - no hands went up.  I then explained what happen after Pentecost and the coming of the Holy Spirit and how the followers of Jesus went out and told everyone about Jesus and one person was Paul.  He travelled all over the Roman empire telling people the good news and on his travels a man went with him Mark or John Mark.  Paul faced all kinds of troubles and I read a piece from the letter to the church at Corinth which talked about his hardships and reminded the children that if Mark was travelling with him then he too would face the same things.  I then asked if they thought Mark was brave now - all hands went up.  To conclude the assembly I talked about how I would never have dreamt that I would sand in front of people telling them stories because at school I wouldn't get up to sing, answer questions, act or no anything like that but like Mark and with God's help I now can and they might be scared now about things but with God's help they will be able to do great things because God can do anything which was a cue to a song.  After the song I said a prayer followed by the Lord's Prayer.

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