Monday, 1 February 2016

Church Walk Primary School

This morning I went along to Church Walk Primary School for the assembly.  It was our first visit of this year.  It was great to see all the children and staff again it seems such a long time since we had seen them.  I started the assembly with God Can Do Anything and then told the story of Jesus calling Peter and Andrew.  I used the Big Ministries Book 2 to help with the story using some of their suggested responses for the children, although I did ad lib the story and add in some responses of my own.  At the end of it I pointed out that Peter and Andrew were fishermen and that Jesus picked them to be his followers - but fishermen would have been dirty, smelly, grubby and not well educated yet Jesus selected them to be disciples - followers of him.  Jesus is still picking people today and it doesn't matter what we look like or how old or young we are or if we have no money or loads of money - we can still be used by God to do his work - in fact we are all special to God no matter what shape or size we are cue for song Touch a Finger.  The song is about being special to God.  after the song we said a prayer and I reminded the children that although they are only young God can still use them because God Can Do Anything.

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