Monday, 22 February 2016

Pennington School

This afternoon I went to Pennington School for the assembly.  It was great to see all the children again.  To start off we sang Be Happy then I introduced the theme for the assembly which was Lent.  I had looked up the word Lent and in old English it simply means Spring.  But for Christians it is the 40 days before Easter which starts after pancake day.  I reminded the children of this to start off, I also reminded them that at Christmas we think about the birth of Jesus and at Easter we think about the death of Jesus and during the time of Lent we think about the start of his work here on earth.  That work started after he was baptised and went off into the desert where Satan tempted him after his 40 days and nights.  I displayed pictures of each one of the temptations as I recalled the story.  I then talked about when we are tempted - like eating too many sweet things like cakes and chocolate.  But we can also be tempted by what we hear and be tempted to say the wrong things.  But if we do as Jesus did and say NO pushing the temptation away then we can Shine from the inside out.  Which was our final song.  After the song I said a short prayer to finish off the assembly.

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