Tuesday, 23 February 2016

Low Furness School

This morning I went to Low Furness School for the assembly.  The theme was trust.  After singing Be Happy I went on to tell the story of Peter walking on the water using a Bob Hartman version of the story.  The story was retold by repeating each sentence twice more and with a key word for the children to repeat and do an action to.  So we had a quick run through of the actions and responses require and I started the story.  The idea is that you read the first line then using a different voice or change of expression you read the second and third lines.  The children responded to it very well and I got a few laughs along the way.  I pointed out though at the end that Peter had trusted Jesus when he got out of the boat and that he kept his eye on him, but once Peter spotted the waves and felt the wind and took his eye of the Lord then he started to sink.  Jesus was there on hand to pull him up and get him into the boat.  The lesson was simple in that we sometimes face difficult things in life and we should put all or trust in Jesus and keep focused on him and not do as Peter did and loose focus and allow the things around us to affect us.  Because if we stay focused on Jesus then we can Shine from the inside out - cue song.  After the song I ended the assembly with a short prayer.

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