Tuesday, 7 March 2017

Croftlands Infants School

This morning I was at Croftlands Infant School for the assembly.  To start off I told the children I was feeling very happy and I was so glad to see all the children so we sang Be Happy together.  After the song I brought Scruff the Dog out to say hello to the children.  As he went to whisper in my ear I announced to the children that he was all wet and very smelly- which made them laugh.  So I asked him if he had been running through the long grass again - he shock his head and whispered that he had been for a shower.  So I asked him again why he was wet - he whispered this time that it was raining outside; which it wasn't so I asked him a third time why are you wet and smelly have you been through the long wet grass - no he whispered he had tipped his water bowl over.  I then said that I thought he was telling me a bit of a tale to which he hung his head.  I told him to go and think about it as I put him away.  I then explained that in the Bible as part of the Easter story someone did something very similar to Scruff.  I then told the story of Peter when he denied that he knew Jesus.  Linking it back to what Scruff had done.  I said that we should always be truthful and stand up for what we know is right and that way we can Shine out - we then sang Shine before I closed the assembly with a prayer.

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