Thursday, 9 March 2017

Our Lady's School

This morning I went to Our Lady's School in Dalton for the assembly.  We all sang So Many Ways to Praise the Lord to start off then I brought out Scruff the Dog.  He was a bit smelly and damp so I asked him if he had been out in the long wet grass - no he shook his head and whispered that he had had a shower.  So I asked him again and once again claimed it was raining outside - which it wasn't so I asked about the smell once again this time he claimed that he had knocked over his drinking bowl full of water.  Once again I didn't believe him and he hung his head, so I told him to go away and think about it.  I then told the children about the time in the Easter story that Jesus told Peter he would deny knowing him 3 times - and then went out and did it.  With each denial I paused to hold up a finger counting the number of times.  The children looked each time I did- there was not a sound.  When I had finished telling the children about what happened before Jesus died I went forward to when Jesus asked Peter 3 times if he loved him, cancelling out the 3 denials, then forward again to Pentecost when Peter stood up a thousands heard the message and followed Jesus.  I encouraged the children not to be like Peter was before when he denied Jesus or be like Scruff who lied but to be strong and courageous and to stand up for the truth because in this way they will Shine out - cue song Shine. After the song I closed the assembly with a prayer.

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