Wednesday, 1 March 2017

St Peters

This morning I went to St Peters School for the assembly.  I started by saying that this morning I was feeling happy, as I had driven through the lanes to get to the school and seen my first lambs of the year.  So I thought it would be good to sing Be Happy as Spring was well and truly on it's way (despite the heavy rain and very cold wind outside).  After the song I asked the children what day it was yesterday - Pancake day which is also called - Shrove Tuesday.  I explained about what the word means before asking what today is - Ash Wednesday.  I also asked them what are we now it - Lent - which means Spring in old English (link to lambs).  For the Christian Church Lent is the 40 days that run towards Easter and it is a time when we think about Jesus in the wilderness as he started out on his public ministry.  I then did a quick recap of the events in Jesus' life like Christmas, Easter. Before talking about his baptism by John and temptation in the wilderness.  I explained that to be tempted is not wrong it is to give in to it that is wrong and I gave a few examples of that.  Each time Jesus was tempted to do something by Satan he said NO! and we should follow his example too.  I pointed out to the children the words that Jesus taught in the Lords Prayer which talks about temptation.  When we resist temptation we shine from the inside out - cue for a song.  After the song I closed with a prayer followed by saying the Lord's Prayer.

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