Tuesday, 28 February 2017

Crosthwaite School

This afternoon I went over to see the children at Crosthwaite School for the first assembly of the New Year - yes I know it is the last day of February!  It was great to see all the children again as it seems such a long time since I last saw them.  I started the assembly off by singing Be Happy and then I gave the children a choice of two assemblies there was the one about David or one about Shrove Tuesday, Ash Wednesday and Lent - they picked that one as today is Shrove Tuesday.  After telling them what the words mean and asking them what the various days are and about what Lent is I told the story of Jesus after he had been baptised going into the wilderness and then after 40 days being tempted by the devil.  As this is what Lent is about and what we think about in the Christian calendar. I then explained that it is OK to get tempted but it is wrong to give in to it.  Jesus resisted each and everyone of the tempts Satan put before him and we should try to do as he did - as that is one way we can Shine out his love from inside of us - oh sounds like a song coming on.  After singing Shine I pointed out the words of the Lords Prayer which is up in the school hall and after I had closed the assembly with a prayer we all said the Lord's Prayer.

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