Tuesday, 28 February 2017

Low Furness School

This morning Sarah and I went to Low Furness School for the assembly.  We had been given the theme as Shrove Tuesday and Ash Wednesday.  So before we started we asked the children to pick a song someone picked Great Big God.  Sarah then asked the children what day it was - Pancake Day came the reply - I had expected that answer so had the words displayed on the screen as they said it, I then asked what other name do we call it - Shrove Tuesday.  I explained a little about pancakes and that Shove Tuesday is old English for forgiveness.  Next I asked if they knew what tomorrow was - Ash Wednesday came the reply.  The children were on fire this morning so I continued to ask questions - what does Ash Wednesday mark the start of - Lent (which again is Old English for Spring).  Last question what is Lent - the 40 days Jesus spent in the wilderness.  Before I told that story I did a quick recap of Christmas - Jesus is born, Easter Jesus dies on the cross.  Before Jesus started doing what he did he was baptised by John and God spoke to him then he went into the wilderness for 40 days going without food - it was then that Satan the devil tempted him by trying to get him to turn stone into bread, asking him to jump of a tall building, the temple and showing him all the kingdoms of the world and asking Jesus to bow down to him and he would give them to him.  Jesus as we know pushed Satan away after each temptation by quoting scripture to him.  I explained that it isn't wrong to be tempted it is when we give in to it that it becomes wrong.  We all should try and resist temptations as Jesus did.  Sarah then pointed out the words of the Lord's Prayer we are displayed in the hall and she went through it line by line and explaining a little about each line particularly the temptations bit and the sins bit.  After this she closed the assembly with a prayer before all of us saying the Lord's Prayer.

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