Friday, 10 February 2017

Our Lady's School

On Thursday I went to Our Lady's School in Dalton, it was our first visit since Christmas and seemed a little strange saying Happy New Year to the children.  We started the assembly with singing Be Happy and I pointed out that there are loads of reasons to be happy.  After that I asked the children which tree they thought was the biggest and strongest in the forest - in England.  I had a couple of answers but what I was looking for was the oak tree.  I then asked what is the seed/nut called that grows an oak tree - acorn.  I then compared the small acorn to the massive oak that grows over many years, and told them this phrase mighty oaks from little acorns grow - I explained what that meant before telling them the story of how David became King David even though he was only a child when God selected him over King Saul and all the rest of David's brothers.  I explained that David was like a little acorn that grow into a mighty oak and was the best king God's people ever had.  I encouraged the children by saying that God had a plan for David and has a plan for them too and one of them could one day be the prime minister or a top scientist or even a pop star or be part of a big boy/girl band.  They might not think it now they could do it but God has given us all gifts and talents and He looks on what we are like inside not on what we look like on the outside.  God can do anything - cue for a song.  After the song I closed the assembly with a prayer.

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